Ja Nan Lahtaw, 26 October 2020
Myanmar’s November Elections: The Challenging Task of Federalisation Awaits a New Government Nyi Nyi Kyaw, 15 June 2018
Myanmar’s Constitutional Reform Process: A pragmatic prioritization of process over substantive reform?
28 January 2021
Myanmar’s army chief has raised the prospect of scrapping the country’s constitution as fears swirl about a possible coup by the military over electoral fraud c…
10 December 2020
Myanmar’s election body said the Democratic Party of National Politics (DNP) led by former military generals breached the Political Parties Registration Law by …
25 November 2020
Myanmar’s ethnic political parties and armies have called on Aung San Suu Kyi to use her fresh election mandate to work toward her stated goal of federalism by …
3 September 2020
Myanmar President U Win Myint on Thursday removed L Phaung Sho from his position as chief minister of Kayah State, two days after the state’s parliament voted t…
28 May 2020
Myanmar’s military-backed former ruling party and military-appointed lawmakers have called for the Speaker of the Union Parliament to be impeached, accusing U T…