
28 March 2023
In Lithuania, parliament registers proposal for constitutional law referendum on allowing dual citizenship

20 February 2023
In Malaysia, cabinet moves to amend constitution to grant automatic citizenship to children born overseas to Malaysian women

10 February 2023
In Nicaragua, constitutional amendment revoking citizenship for crimes against state expedited, pending approval in subsequent legislature

14 November 2022
Op-Ed: proposed amendments to Portugal's constitution reduce rather than strengthen fundamental rights

Voices From The Field
2 July 2022
Chile’s draft constitution looks to the future: digital rights as fundamental rights

Voices From The Field
21 December 2021
Re-evaluating Democracy in the Federated States of Micronesia through the 4th Constitutional Convention

3 December 2021
In Malaysia, government reiterates intention to amend constitution on child citizenship

26 November 2021
Barbados approves new symbolic charter before transitioning to a republic

16 November 2021
Federated States of Micronesia debates changing constitution to allow dual citizenship

Voices From The Field
26 July 2021
Nigeria’s constitutional review: the continuing quest for a legitimate Grundnorm