In Lithuania, parliament registers proposal for constitutional law referendum on allowing dual citizenship

28 March 2023
Flag of Lithuania (photo credit: jorono via pixabay)
Flag of Lithuania (photo credit: jorono via pixabay)
A group of Lithuanian lawmakers have registered a bill on holding compulsory referendum on the legalization of dual citizenship on 12 May, 2024. More than 60 members of the country's parliament, the Seimas, have registered such a proposal. The document[] states that "citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania shall be acquired by birth and on other grounds in accordance with the procedure established by the constitutional law. The constitutional law shall also determine the grounds and procedure for the loss of citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania." This would remove the existing ban on dual citizenship from the country's Constitution. The constitutional law would also include detailed conditions, procedures and other matters relating to the acquisition and loss of dual citizenship.
Read the full article here: The Baltic Times


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