Voices From The Field
13 December
Taiwan's Constitutional Court at Risk: Political Maneuvering to Erode Judicial Independence
Voices From The Field
30 May 2022
The Amendability of Taiwan’s Constitution is Put to the Test
5 April 2022
In Taiwan, constitutional court finds law tying indigenous identity to surname unconstitutional
28 March 2022
In Taiwan, lower voting age amendment passed in legislature and will be subject to referendum
19 January 2022
In Taiwan, proposed constitutional amendment to lower voting age passes committee review
Voices From The Field
22 December 2021
In the World of Constitution Building in 2021
Voices From The Field
8 June 2020
Taiwan’s Constitutional Court, Adultery and the Renaissance of Judicial Activism
19 November
In Taiwan, civic organizations protest proposed changes to constitutional court
28 October
Taiwan's constitutional court rules key parts of parliamentary reform violate constitution
2 July
In Taiwan, government body petitions constitutional court over legislative amendments it claims violate constitution