Voices from the Field
Through the eyes of local experts and actors, ConstitutionNet’s ‘Voices from the Field’ series offers a monthly look at constitution building processes as they are unfolding on the ground around the world. Contributions take the form of interviews with, and opinion pieces from, constitutional experts, lawyers, practitioners and other engaged citizens in the field for a fresh and original look at issues of importance to local populations during the drafting, adoption and implementation of constitutions.

Voices From The Field
22 December 2021
In the World of Constitution Building in 2021

Voices From The Field
30 April 2021
In the Shadow of Robert Mugabe? Twists and Turns in the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution of Zimbabwe

Voices From The Field
26 February 2020
Fortifying Zimbabwe’s ‘Imperial’ Presidency? The Proposed Second Amendment to the Constitution

Voices From The Field
7 August 2019
Why Zimbabwe Should Amend the Constitution to Abolish the Death Penalty

Voices From The Field
14 December 2017
Constitution building in 2017 through the lens of ConstitutionNet’s Voices from the Field

Voices From The Field
26 September 2017
Clawing Back the Gains of Popular Participation – The First Amendment to the Constitution of Zimbabwe (2013)

Voices From The Field
25 May 2015
Bottom-up approaches to constitutional implementation: a civil society perspective from Zimbabwe

Voices From The Field
21 March 2014
Zimbabwe-Why the COPAC Constitution is here to stay

Voices From The Field
20 February 2014
Mugabe and the COPAC Constitution: to amend or to implement?

Voices From The Field
17 January 2014
“So near, Yet so far” Women and the new constitution of Zimbabwe