Inter-governmental Organisation
An organisation that is run by several governments
Guides and Handbooks
Beyond Representation in Pandemic Responses: Independent and International Institutions
Guides and Handbooks
How Federations Responded to Covid-19
Guides and Handbooks
Let’s talk about constitutions!
Opposition and Legislative Minorities: Constitutional Roles, Rights and Recognition
Record of Discussions
Los Reglamentos en Órganos Constituyentes desde una Perspectiva Comparada: Recomendaciones y lecciones aprendidas (Webinario, 30 de marzo 2021)
The Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan: Summary and Analysis
Reglamentos de Órganos Constituyentes - Panorama Comparativo: Procesos Constitucionales Comparados
المسودة النهائية لدستور ليبيا دراسة عيانية
The Importance of Constitutional Law for Belarusian Democracy: An Analysis of the Amended 1994 Constitution and Considerations for Democratic Reform
Guidance Note of the Secretary-General on United Nations Constitutional Assistance