United Kingdom
Voices From The Field
30 November
Constitutional Change in Turks and Caicos Islands: Territorial Particularities and Regional Commonalities
Voices From The Field
31 October
New Era for the UK House of Lords? Labour's Removal of the Hereditary Peers and Possible Future Reforms
Annual Review of Constitution-Building: 2023
Voices From The Field
1 March
Looking to the Future Through the Lens of the Past: Key Outcomes from the Virgin Islands’ Constitutional Review
26 February
Op-Ed: In the UK, citizens' assemblies could help to repair toxic political culture
Commissions Final Report
British Virgin Islands: Constitutional Review Commission Report 2022-2023
Voices From The Field
31 January
In the World of Constitution-Building in 2023
Voices From The Field
30 January
Mapping Wales’s Constitutional Future: Insights from the Final Report of the Independent Commission
22 January
Final report from Wales constitutional commission explores pathways to further devolution, federalism, or independence
1 December 2023
In Scotland, member of parliament proposes referendum on whether Scottish Parliament should have power to call independence referendum