
Record of Discussions
Natural Resource Management: Development and Environmental Protection in Constitutional Reform Processes

1 August 2023
In Myanmar, military extends state of emergency for fourth time and postpones elections

2 February 2023
In Myanmar, military regime extends state of emergency for additional six months

Voices From The Field
22 December 2021
In the World of Constitution Building in 2021

Voices From The Field
11 February 2021
Constitutional implications of Myanmar’s Coup on 1 February 2021

Voices From The Field
26 October 2020
Myanmar’s November Elections: The Challenging Task of Federalisation Awaits a New Government

Voices From The Field
15 June 2018
Myanmar’s Constitutional Reform Process: A pragmatic prioritization of process over substantive reform?

The Fundamentals of Constitutional Courts

Voices From The Field
25 July 2016
The constitutional implications of Myanmar’s peace process

Record of Discussions
Constitutional Approaches to Decentralization: Elements, Challenges and Implications