Dr Kangnikoé Bado, 30 January 2019
Togo’s continuing constitutional crisis and ECOWAS’s failed mediation effort Adem K Abebe, 14 December 2017
Constitution building in 2017 through the lens of ConstitutionNet’s Voices from the Field 
26 March 2024
The president will be chosen "without debate" by lawmakers "for a single six-year term", and not by the public, according to the new text.
The vote comes less…
26 March 2024
C’est aux alentours de minuit que la nouvelle loi constitutionnelle a été votée à bulletin secret à 89 voix pour, 1 contre et 1 abstention. Elle fait passer le …
4 March 2020
Togo’s Constitutional Court on Tuesday rejected opposition claims of electoral fraud and declared Faure Gnassingbe the winner with more than 70 percent of the F…
9 May 2019
Togo's parliament has voted a constitutional change allowing President Faure Gnassingbe, whose family has ruled the small West African country since 1967, to ru…
27 September 2018
The Togolese opposition has called on the population to boycott the electoral census, which is scheduled to start on October 1 in preparation for legislative an…