What is the UK Constitution? Find out with the new version of Constitute

By Dr Paul Bernal, 16 January 2015
(Credit: Pawel Loj, CC by 2.0)
(Credit: Pawel Loj, CC by 2.0)
<p><em>A new version of&nbsp;</em><a href="https://www.constituteproject.org/"><em>Constitute</em></a><em>&nbsp;is now available online. Constitute is&nbsp;a website for reading, searching and comparing constitutions from across the world.The new version has many new features and includes a number of new constitutions, including that of the UK. This&nbsp;will&nbsp;provide a tool for comparing extant UK constitutional laws with constitutional texts from across the globe.</em><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><div>[toc hidden:1]</div>
Read the full article here: London School of Economic and Political Science (LSE)


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