Myanmar: Rallies demand amendments to 2008 Constitution

By Elliot Brennan, 26 June 2014
<p>'If an (army) officer wants to engage in politics he should leave the military'. The statement by Aung San Suu Kyi last month was the strongest yet in the war of words in the lead-up to the country's 2015 elections.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>In mid-May 'the Lady', as she is known locally, and her supporters held mass rallies in Myanmar's two largest cities. The rallies attracted over 15,000 people demanding amendments to the 2008 constitution. Their main gripe is over Article 436 and Clause 59F. The former gives the military (which wrote the constitution) an effective veto over any amendment; the latter bars the Lady from the presidency.&nbsp;</p>
Read the full article here: The Interpreter


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