
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (photo credit: Reuters) In Italy, prime minister announces constitutional reform proposal to change system of government
29 October 2023
Flag of Italy (photo credit: greghristov via pixabay) Italy amends constitution to recognize educational and social value of sport
25 September 2023
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (photo credit: AEI) In Italy, prime minister meets with opposition parties to discuss constitutional change from parliamentary to presidential system of government
10 May 2023
Italian Flag in front of the Victor Emmanuel II National Monument (photo credit: juliacasado1 via pixabay) In Italy, lower house constitutional affairs committee approves proposal recognizing education and social value of sport in constitution
27 March 2023
Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Brothers of Italy party (photo credit: Reuters / Flavio Lo Scalzo) Op-Ed: How could Italy’s new government change the constitution?
28 September 2022