Myanmar's Suu Kyi vows to amend junta-era constitution

18 April 2016
Suu Kyi attends Parliament (photo credit: The Guardian)
Suu Kyi attends Parliament (photo credit: The Guardian)
<p>Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi vowed Monday to push for constitutional amendments to build a true democracy as the nation emerges from decades of military control.</p><p>Suu Kyi made the comments in a nationally televised address to mark the start of the Buddhist new year, highlighting her hopes for the future and also the difficult tasks ahead for her new government.</p><p>“Our policies and principles are to ensure national reconciliation, internal peace, the rule of law, amendments to the Constitution and keeping the democratic system dynamic,” she said.</p><p>“The Constitution needs to be one that will give birth to a genuine democratic union,” she said. “We need constitutional amendments.”</p>
Read the full article here: The Japan Times


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