Pierre de Vos
Job Title
Claude Leon Foundation in Constitutional Governance
University of Cape Town
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
1) “A Bill of Rights in a Post-Apartheid South African Constitution -- A Contextual International Human Rights Analysis” 1993 Columbia Human Rights Law Review (1993) 277-321.
2) “Policing” in South African Human Rights Yearbook 1993: Volume 4 Neil B. Boister (ed.) Centre for Socio-Legal Studies (1994) Durban 193-205.
3) “Free and Fair Campaigning” in Steytler, Murphy, De Vos & Rwelamira Free and Fair Elections Cape Town Juta (1994) 119-153.
4) “The Right of a Lesbian Mother to have Access to her Children: Some Constitutional Issues” in South African Law Journal vol. 111 (1994) 687-694.
5) Co-editor of Steytler, Murphy, De Vos & Rwelamira Free and Fair Elections Cape Town Juta (1994).
6) “The Economic and Social Rights of Children and South Africa's Transitional Constitution” SA Public Law/SA Publiekreg vol. 12 (1995) 239-259.
7) “A Bill of Rights as an Instrument for Social and Economic Transformation in a New South African Constitution: Lessons from India” at 81-112, in Mervyn Bennun and Malyn D.D. Newitt (eds.) Negotiating Justice: A New Constitution for South Africa (1995) University of Exeter Press.
8) “Policing” at 211-221, in Ronald Louw (ed.) South African Human Rights Yearbook 1994 (1995) Centre for Social Legal Studies and Oxford University Press.
9) “Seksuele Georiënteerdheid en die familiereg: Reaksie op PJ Visser” THRHR vol. 59 (1996) 304-308.
10) “South Africa’s Experience with Proportional Representation” in De Ville and Steytler (eds.) Voting in 1999: Choosing an Electoral System Human Rights and Constitutional Law Series of the Community Law Centre at UWC in conjunction with Butterworths (1996) 29-44.
11) “Constituencies and their Representatives: Limitations and Prospects” in De Ville and Steytler (eds.) Voting in 1999: Choosing an Electoral System Human Rights and Constitutional Law Series of the Community Law Centre at UWC in conjunction with Butterworths (1996) 55-70.
12) “On the Legal Construction of Gay and Lesbian Identity and South Africa’s Transitional Constitution” South African Journal on Human Rights vol. 12 (1996) 265-290.
13) “Same-sex marriage, the right to equality and the South African Constitution” SA Public Law/SA Publiekreg vol. 11 (1996) 356-383.
14) “S v Moses: Criminal capacity, provocation and HIV” South African Journal of Criminal Justice vol. 9 (1996) 354-360.
15) “Policing” in South African Human Rights Yearbook 1994: Volume 5 Ronald Louw (ed.) Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and Oxford University Press (1996) Durban 193-211.
16) “Human Rights in Constitutional Law” (Book Review) South African Journal on Human Rights vol. 12 (1996) 681-684.
17) “Pious wishes or legally enforceable rights?: Social and economic rights in South Africa’s 1996 constitution” South African Journal on Human Rights vol. 13 (1997) 67-101 (reprinted in Lucy A Williams (ed) Welfare Law (International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory) 2001 Ashgate Publishers.)
18) “Introduction to South Africa’s Bill of Rights” Netherland Quarterly of Human Rights vol. 15 (1997) 225-232.
19) ”Une nation aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel? Egalite et preferences: la constitution de l’Afrique de Sud” in Borrillo Daniel (ed.) Homosexualites et Driot: de la depenalisation a la pleine reconnaisance, Presses Universitaires de France (1998).
20) “Access of political parties to the media during election campaigns” Journal of Law, Democracy and Development vol. 2 (1998) 216.
21) “Sexual Orientation and the Constitution” Butterworths Bill of Rights Compendium, Butterworths (October 1999).
22) “The Constitution Made Us Queer: The sexual orientation clause in the South African Constitution and the emergence of gay and lesbian identity” in Didi Herman and Carl Stychin eds.) Sexuality in the Legal Arena Athlone Press, UK (2000) 194-202.
23) “Equality for All? A Critical analysis of the equality jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court” vol. 63 (2000) THRHR 62.
24) “Sexual orientation and the right to equality in the South African Constitution: National Coalition for gay and lesbian equality & another v Minister of Justice and others” vol. 117 SALJ (2000) 17.
25) “A Bridge too far?: history as context in the interpretation of the South African Constitution” SAJHR vol. 17 (2001) 1.
26) “The Role of Equality in the South African Legal System” in J. vande Lanotte, J. Sarkin, Y. Haeck (eds.) The Principle of Equality: A South African and Belgian Perspective 139-155 (2001).
27) “Freedom of Religion versus Drug Traffic Control: The Rastafarian, the Law Society and the right to smoke the ‘holy weed’” in Sarkin, Haeck & Vande Lanotte (eds.) Resolving the tension between crime and human rights: An Evaluation of European and South African Issues (Maklu, Publishers, Antwerpen, Belgium) 2001, 305-332.
28) “Constitutional principles in search of a context: Review article on The Bill of Rights Handbook (4th edition, 2001) by De Waal, Currie & Erasmus” (2001) Stellenbosch Law Review 340-350.
29) “Substantive Equality after Grootboom: the emergence of social and economic context as a guiding value in equality jurisprudence” Acta Juridica (2001) vol. (forthcoming), also published in Saras Jagwanth & Evance Kalula (eds.) Equality Law: Reflections from South Africa and Elsewhere (2002) Juta pp 52-69.
30) “Chapter 4: Legislative authority” (co-author with Johan de Waal) in The New Constitutional & Administrative Law: Volume 1, Constitutional Law Iain Currie and Johan de Waal (eds.) (2001).
31) “Grootboom, the right of access to housing and substantive equality as contextual fairness” SAJHR vol. 17 (2001) 258.
32) “Freedom of Religion versus Drug Traffic Control: The Rastafarian, the Law Society and the right to smoke the ‘holy weed’” Law, Democracy and Development vol. 5 (2001) 85-108.
33) “HIV/AIDS in South Africa: The Good the Bad and the Ugly” John Marshall Law Review vol. 35 no. 3 (2002) 406-423.
34) “The essential components of the human right to adequate housing – a South African perspective” 23-34 in Brand D and Russel S (eds.) Exploring the core content of socio-economic rights: South African and international perspectives (2002)
35) “South Africa’s Constitutional Court: starry-eyed in the face of History” Vermont Law Review vol. 26 (2002) 837-864.
36) “Transformative Justice: Social and Economic Rights in South Africa’s Constitution” 243-262 Peter van der Auweraert, Tom de Pelsmaker, Jeremy Sarkin, Johan van de Lanotte Social, Economic and Cultural Rights: and appraisal of current European and International Developments (2002) Maku Publishers, Belgium.
37) “So much to do, so little done” the right of access to anti-retroviral drugs post Grootboom vol. 7 (2003) Law, Democracy and Development 83.
38) “Gay and lesbian legal theory” 328-353 in Roeder C & Moelendorf (eds.) Jurisprudence (2004) Juta publishers.
39) “A new beginning: the enforcement of social, economic and cultural rights under the African Charter” vol. 8 (2004) Law Democracy and Development 1-24.
40) “Same-sex sexual desire and the re-imagining of the South African family” South African Journal on Human Rights vol. 20 (2004) 179.
41) “Prisoners’ rights litigation in South Africa since 1994: A critical evaluation” (2005) Law, Democracy and Development 89-112.
42) “The right to housing” Brand and Heyns (eds.) Socio-economic rights in South Africa (2005) 85-106.
43) “Introduction” Griffith Law Review (2005) vol. 14 144-148.
44) The Role of the National Council of Provinces in the Governance of South Africa in Jorg Luther, Paolo Passaglia and Rolando Tarchi (eds.) A World of Second Chambers: Handbook for Constitutional Studies on Bicarealism (2006) 613-664.
45) “Separate is never equal: The same-sex marriage debate in South Africa” Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, Vol.8, no.1, Spring 2007.
46) “Critical reflections on South Africa’s Civil Union Saga” (2007 – forthcoming) South African Law Journal.
47) “The ‘inevitability’ of same-sex marriage in democratic South Africa” (2007 - forthcoming) South African Journal on Human Rights.