Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
Swiss Constitutional Law, Co-Author, Kluwer & Staempfli 2005.
Switzerland, Co-author, International Encyclopaedia of Constitutional Law, supplement 63, Kluwer 2005.
Nation-State and Normative Diversity, Etudes et Colloques No. 35, Publications de’l Institut du Fédéralism/ Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Diss. Fribourg, Basel et al. 2001.
Participation in the Decision-Making Process as a Means of Group Accommodation, in Alan G. Tarr, Robert F. Williams, and Josef Marko, (eds.), Federalism, Subnational Constitutions, and Minority rights, Westport: Praeger Publishers, 2004, 40 (Deemed in a book review by Jean Leclair, professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Montreal as “the most interesting of all the essays”).
Introduction to Federalism, Decentralisation and Conflict Management in Multicultural Societies, in: Ursula Abderhalden & Raoul Blindenbacher (Eds.),
Future Challenges for Federalism in a Changing World – Learning from Each Other – The Youth Perspective, International Federalism Conference 2002, Langendorf 2003, pp. 111.
Balancing Self-Rule and Shared Rule, Co-author; in: Federalism and Multiethnic States, The Case of Switzerland, PIFF 16, 2nd ed., Fribourg 2000.
Chancen und Probleme für den schweizerischen Föderalismus im Falle eines EU-Beitritts, Co-author, in: Der Beitritt der Schweiz zur Europäischen Union: Brennpunkte und Auswirkung, Bern 1998.
Die Chancen des Föderalismus begreifen und nutzen, Schweizer Föderalismus - Relikt der Vergangenheit oder Exportartikel?, based on lectures given for the Exposition: Geschichte für die Zukunft (History for the Future), Willisauer Bote, April 11, 1998, pp. 5-6