Theodore Kasongo Kamwimbi
Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR)
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
* Kamwimbi Theo, Brian Raftopoulos and Karin Alexander. ‘DRC moves towards first democratic elections: Congo peace prospects precarious’, Newspaper article published in The Cape Times on 5 July 2006.
* Kamwimbi, TK & Savage, T. ‘Disengaging the trigger of Africa: What prospects for peace in the Congo?’, Newspaper article to be published in Der Überblick soon.
* Kamwimbi, TK. “DRC: Challenges to Justice and Reconciliation, Implications for Policy Research and Capacity Building”, paper presented in the Policy Research and Capacity Building Planning Workshop organized by the Southern Africa Human Security Program (SAHSP) of the Institute for Security Studies on 1-2 December 2005 in Cape Town, South Africa.
* Kamwimbi, TK, “Transitional Justice in a regional context: Case of the Great Lakes region of Africa”, Essay submitted for fulfillment of the Fellows Programme, IJR-ICTJ, Cape Town, May 2005.
* Kamwimbi, TK. “De la Procédure d’interrogatoire d’un prévenu sourd-muet en droit Congolais” (Cross-Examination procedure of a deaf defendant in Congolese Law), LL.M Thesis, UNIKIN, Kinshasa, 1999.
* Kamwimbi, TK. “De l’Incidence de la surdi-mutité sur la responsabilité pénale en droit Congolais” (Incidence of deafness on criminal liability in Congolese law), LL.B Thesis, UNIKIN, Kinshasa, 1996.
Contribution to Publications
* Research for: Villa-Vicencio C., Nantulya P., Savage T. Burundi, The DRC, Rwanda, Uganda: Building Nations, Transitional Justice in the African Great Lakes Region, IJR, Cape Town, 2005.
* Translations for: IJR, Les Ressources de la Transition: Les Commissions Vérité, la Cour Pénale Internationale, la Justice Transitionnelle, la Réconciliation, l’Amnistie, les Réparations, le Génocide, l’Ubuntu, les Droits et la Réconciliation. Le Cap, 2005.