Joseph Yav
Job Title
I am an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Lubumbashi in DRC. I am the Executive Director of a Human Rights NGO named CERDH (Centre for Human Rights, Democracy and Transitional Justice) and I am also the Coordinator of the UNESCO Cha
- CERDH (Centre for Human Rights, Democracy and Transitional Justice)
- The UNESCO Chair for human rights, governance, conflict resolution and peace at the University of Lubumbashi.
- Lubumbashi Bar Association/DRC.
- Consultant
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
1. Books
• Le Parlement Provincial Pour Quoi Faire ? Ed. Controle Citoyen, Lubumbashi, DRC, September 2008 (112 pages)
• Les Successions en Droit Congolais (Cas des enfants heritiers), Ed. New Voice Publishing, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2008 (247 pages)
• Elements des regimes matrimoniaux et successions, Ed. Droits et Justice Pour Tous, Lubumbashi, DRC, 2003
2. Policy papers and articles
• 2008 : Quand boire de l’eau devient dangereux et luxueux! L’accès a l’eau - un droit humain inaliénable en RDC? When drinking water becomes dangerous and luxury! Access to safe water – a human right guaranteed in the DRC?
• 2008 : “La Motivation des Militaires, une condition essentielle pour la restauration et la sauvegarde de la Paix en RDC?” Motivation of Soldiers, Essential condition for the Restoration and Safeguard of Peace in the DRC?
• 2008 :When Reality contradicts Rhetoric: Civilian protection in the DRC
• 2008 :Truth Commissions and Prosecutions: Two sides of the same coin?
• 2008 :The curse of oil in the Great Lakes Region of Africa,
• 2007 :Greasing the wheels of reconciliation in the Great Lakes region. African Security Review, vol 16 n 3, September 2007
• 2006 :The relationship between the International Criminal Court and Truth Commissions: Some thoughts on how to build a bridge across retributive and restorative justices.
• 2006 :Prosecution of grave violations of human rights in light of limitations of the International Criminal Court and national courts: The Congolese Dilemma. Human Rights Review, Springer Netherlands, ISSN 1524-8879 (Print) 1874-6306 (Online), Volume 7, Number 3 / April, 2006, Wednesday, July 26, 2006
• 2006 : “RD del Congo: Curando las heridas a traves de reparaciones” in Cultura Para La Esperanza, Instrumento de Analisis de la realidad de “Action Cultural Cristiana”, Octono 2006, Madrid, N° 65
• 2006 :Henri Boshoff and Joseph Yav, “Democratic Republic of Congo Update: A Second Round of Elections?”, Institute for Security Studies, Situation Report, 16 August 2006.
• 2006 :DRC: Healing the wounds of war through reparations
• 2006 :Begging for reparation for victims of serious human rights violations: the DRC case.
• 2006 :Peace, Security and Elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo
• 2006 :Laicite (Secularity) in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in “International Humanist News”, International Humanist and ethical Union, IHEU, London, June 2006, pp. 14-15
• 2006 :Considérations sur la gestion du contentieux électoral en RDC
• 2005 :Trends toward Transitional Justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for accountability.
• 2005 :DRC: Ending impunity in the Great Lakes region,
• 2004 :A history of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in one line: LEOPOLD, RESOURCES, COUPS, IMPUNITY
• 2004 :The ghost of impunity continues to haunt the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) despite the referral of the situation to the International Criminal Court.
• La Commission Vérité et réconciliation en RDC pour quelle justice ? Analyse et comparaison avec la TRC ( South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission )
• Quelle justice pour la RDC dans le contexte socio-politique du moment ?
• La conciliation entre les droits de l’homme et des peuples: quel avenir?
• Le système africain de protection des droits de l’homme.
• De la question de la ratification par les Etats Africains du statut de Rome et du Protocole relatif à la Charte africaine portant création d’une Cour Africaine.
• La dynamique de promotion et de protection des droits de l’homme en RDC
• L’origine Judéo-Chrétienne des droits de l’homme.