Job Title
New Zealand Centre for Conflict Resolution
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
* With Dr Rajat Ganguly, co-editor, Ethnic Conflicts in South and Southeast Asia: Causes, Dynamics, Solutions (Sage, New Delhi, 2002)
* Contributing author to P. Spiller (ed) Dispute Resolution in New Zealand (Oxford University Press, Auckland, 1999) (Chapter on “Cross Culture Dispute Resolution” and co-author of “Introduction” and chapter on “Negotiation”).
* With Dr Amanda Wol, “Negotiating the Principles and Applications of Environmental Justice: Implications of Participation” in Richardson & Bosselmann (ed) New Tools for Environmental Justice (Kluwer, 1999)
* Die Mediation der Geschichte: Von der Wiedergutmachung bis zur bürgerlichen Identität for Perspektive Mediation: Beiträge zur Konfliktkultur (Vienna, 2006, forthcoming)
* “Your pace or mine: Culture, Time and Negotiation” Negotiation Journal 22: 31-45 (2006)
* “Terrorism and Conflict Resolution”, Published Working Paper 18/04, Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand (2004)
* “What would you do – with a Taniwha at the table?” Negotiation Journal, 19(3) 195 (2003)
* “Part II - What would you do – with a Taniwha at the table?” Negotiation Journal, 19(4) 291 (2003)
* “La Salud come Puente para de la Paz: Desarrollo de la Capacitacion para la Gestion de Conflictos y la Transformacion Social”, Revista La Trama,