Franklin De Vrieze
Job Title
International Consultant on Parliamentary Development and Governance
International Consultant
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
The Kosovo Diplomacy. Why the Predicted War Has not Been Prevented, book published by the University of Antwerp, 2000, 104 pg. (in Dutch)
The Montenegrin Dilemma, UNHCR Writenet paper, November 2001
Kosovo Civil Society awaits a chance for Reconciliation, European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 2002
Kosovo after the March 2004 Crisis, Helsinki Monitor, September 2004, pp. 147-159
The Anti-Corruption Action Plan in Kosovo, OSCE Mission in Kosovo, October 2006, 80 pg.
OSCE coordinates parliamentary support programs, Helsinki Monitor, March 2007, pp. 57-63
Editor-in-chief of Newsletter of the Assembly Support Initiative, OSCE Mission in Kosovo, 2002 - 2008
Building Parliamentary Democracy in Kosovo, Security and Human Rights (previously: Helsinki Monitor), June 2008, pp. 278-293.
The Assembly of Kosovo during its second mandate (2004 – 2007). Analysis of the functioning of a young parliament under international supervision, Studia Diplomatica. The Brussels Journal of International Relations, Vol. LXII, 2009, N.1, pg. 75 – 116.
Independent and Regulatory Agencies in Moldova and their interaction with the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, July 2011
Report of mid-term evaluation “Strengthening the representative bodies of Vietnam, September 2010
Functional analysis and needs assessment of parliament of Suriname, January 2011
Mission de revue (2006-2009) et de programmation (2010) pour le programme parlementaire du PNUD au Niger, rapport final, Février 2010
Parliaments role in fight corruption and strengthening accountability, November 2009
Towards a “Municipal Assemblies Support Initiative” in Montenegro. Report of the assessment mission to Montenegro, September 2009
Programming Document for parliamentary strengthening in Solomon Islands, May 2011