Aneesa Walji
Job Title
Rule of Law and Governance Consultant
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
“Judges in Constitution-Making: Friend or Foe?” presented at conference entitled “Rethinking the Boundaries of Public Law and Public Space” (Florence: International Society of Public Law, 2014).
“Constitution-Making in Egypt: The Role of Constitutional Court Judges” in Revolution as a Process: The Case of the Egyptian Uprising edited by Adham Hamed (Austria: Vienna Publishing House for Social Science, 2014).
“Proportionality: An Approach to the Remedial Challenges of Socio-Economic Rights Adjudication” presented at conference entitled “Constitutional Remedies: Are They Effective and Meaningful?” (Toronto: David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights, 2014).
“Elections in Egypt: The Electoral Framework in Egypt’s Continuing Transition” with Paul Harris (International Foundation for Electoral Systems, 2013), online: <>.
“Victims or Terrorists? Child Soldiers in Canadian Refugee Law” presented at conference entitled “International Law and Human Rights Scholarship Conference” (New York: New York University School of Law, 2012).
“Rwandan Widows Mobilize for Positive Change”, Women & Environments International Magazine, No. 88/89, 2011-2012 at 44.
“Working Together to Break Apart: Building a Framework for the Secession of Southern Sudan” with Laura Brittain et al. (Forum of Federations Library, 2010), online: <>.