South Africa
Record of Discussions
Natural Resource Management: Development and Environmental Protection in Constitutional Reform Processes
Voices From The Field
31 January
In the World of Constitution-Building in 2023
Assessing the Performance of the South African Constitution
3 May 2023
In South Africa, parliament approves constitutional amendment that adds sign language as twelfth official language
18 April 2023
South Africa enacts law providing for inclusion of independent candidates for national and provincial legislatures
4 April 2023
In South Africa, official opposition plans constitutional amendment proposal limiting number of no-confidence motions
24 November 2022
In South Africa, constitutional court sets deadline for amendments to divorce and marriage laws to recognize Muslim marriages
Record of Discussions
Gender and Rules of Procedure in Constituent Processes: A Comparative Discussion in Support of the Chilean Constitutional Convention
8 December 2021
Op-Ed: In South Africa, as draft constitutional amendment for compensationless expropriation sinks, all eyes turn to expropriation bill
Voices From The Field
24 October 2018
Expropriation without compensation: Democratizing South Africa’s economy?