
Lesotho Parliament Building (photo credit: OER Africa/flickr) Op-ed: Lesotho needs a complete constitutional overhaul, not incremental changes
23 June 2020
Prime Minister Thomas Thabane of Lesotho (photo credit: Control Arms/flickr) In Lesotho, political party says that king can remove prime minister according to constitution
15 May 2020
Prime Minister Thomas Thabane of Lesotho (photo credit: Control Arms/flickr) Lesotho's senate passes constitutional amendment limiting prime minister's powers
29 April 2020
photo credit: OER Africa/flickr Lesotho amends constitution to allow for dual citizenship
3 December 2018
Lesotho Flag (photo credit: Wikipedia) Op-ed: Lesotho's need for constitutional and political reform
1 April 2016