In the UK, house of lords constitution committee publishes report on future of governance

By Nation Cymru, 24 January 2022
UK House of Lords (photo credit:
UK House of Lords (photo credit:
The [House of Lords Constitution Committee] says it is calling for the creation of a revitalised, better-functioning and less rancorous Union. The report set outs how such a Union of respect and co-operation can be achieved, it says. According to the report, improving the shared governance of the UK will require a greater degree of respect and partnership between the different layers of government than exists at present. The committee argues the UK’s constitutional arrangements can provide the best of both worlds for its constituent nations. It says this requires significant devolved autonomy complemented by the pooling of resources and sharing of risks, to ensure greater resilience in its collective response to challenges, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The committee has expressed concern about what it calls the tendency to ‘devolve and forget’, and while it welcomes the Government’s stated commitment to the Union, it believes it needs to set out a clearer vision about how it will be shaped in the 21st century.
Read the full article here: Nation Cymru


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