Sri Lanka: Tamil Peoples' Council demands framework pact before constitution making

By Times online, 4 February 2016
Flag of Sri Lanka
Flag of Sri Lanka
<p>The Tamil Peoples’ Council (TPC) aka Tamil Makkal Peravai, headed by the Northern Province Chief Minister C.V.Wigneswaran, has demanded that the Sri Lankan government enter into a “basic vision” or framework agreement with the Tamils before it begins re-writing the country’s constitution.&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 20.4px;">The TPC’s constitutional proposals released in Jaffna on Sunday, said that it will be pointless to re-write the constitution without first entering into an agreement with the Tamils on the “basic vision of the state” on the lines of the 1998 “Good Friday” Agreement (between the UK and the Northern Ireland groups), and the 1995 “Dayton” Agreement (a multi-national pact relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina).</span></p>
Read the full article here: Times Online


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