Scottish court rules prime minister's suspension of parliament is unconstitutional

By Severin Carrell and Rowena Mason, 11 September 2019
Houses of Parliament, London (photo credit: susanfunk/flickr)
Houses of Parliament, London (photo credit: susanfunk/flickr)
Scottish appeal court judges have declared Boris Johnson’s decision to suspend parliament in the run-up to the October Brexit deadline is unlawful. The three judges, chaired by Lord Carloway, Scotland’s most senior judge, overturned an earlier ruling that the courts did not have the power to interfere in the prime minister’s political decision to prorogue parliament. Lawyers acting for 75 opposition MPs and peers argued Johnson’s decision to suspend parliament for five weeks was illegal and in breach of the constitution, as it was designed to stifle parliamentary debate and action on Brexit.
Read the full article here: The Guardian


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