In Scotland, first minister says independence vote in 2023 still possible

By Abbi Garton-Crosbie , 21 April 2022
First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon (photo credit: AFP)
First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon (photo credit: AFP)
Nicola Sturgeon has insisted it’s still “realistic” to hold a second independence referendum next year, adding that “the work is underway”. The First Minister was probed on the timing of indyref2 by ITV Border on Wednesday, after it emerged that she had held three high level meetings to prepare white papers ahead of a second vote. The FM held three meetings between November 2021 and February 2022 to discuss, amongst other things, which topics to include in the document. [...] However, there has also been no hard date confirmed as to when the Referendum Bill, the legislation that would allow a vote to go ahead, will be laid before Holyrood. There could also be issues ahead if the legislation is referred to the Supreme Court, if UK law officers think it may lay outside of the parliament’s legislative competence. 
Read the full article here: The National


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