In Saint Lucia, parliament to consider constitutional amendment to make Caribbean Court of Justice final appellate jurisdiction

10 October 2022
Flag of Saint Lucia (photo credit: Clker-Free-Vector-Images via pixabay)
Flag of Saint Lucia (photo credit: Clker-Free-Vector-Images via pixabay)
On Tuesday, October 11, the Lower House of Parliament will meet and [consider a bill on] an Amendment to the Constitution of St Lucia. Government will seek to amend the Constitution to remove the Privy Council in order to have the CCJ as the country’s final Appellate Court. [...] Legally, there is no requirement in the case of St Lucia for a referendum, just two-thirds majority in parliament. [...] Prime Minister Philip J Pierre, as a campaign promise to the electorate, vowed to place constitutional reform at the forefront, beginning with severing ties with the British Privy Council and making the Caribbean Court of Justice Saint Lucia’s final appellate jurisdiction. “After 43 years of Independence, it is time for Saint Lucia to demonstrate confidence in regional jurists and the CCJ’s ability to provide fair, equitable, independent and affordable access to justice,” said PM Pierre.
Read the full article here: Loop


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