Q&A: Voting in the Scottish independence referendum

8 January 2014
Q&A: Voting in the Scottish independence referendum
Q&A: Voting in the Scottish independence referendum
<div class="story-body"><p id="story_continues_1" class="introduction"><strong>On Thursday, 18 September, registered voters in Scotland will be asked the referendum question: "Should Scotland be an independent country?"</strong></p><p>Those voters will have a straight choice between "yes" and "no".</p><p>For the first time - and for this vote only - 16 and 17 year olds will be able to sign up to the electoral register and make a choice in the historic poll.</p><p>Here, is a quick guide on who has the right to vote in the referendum; how you go about registering to vote and what different ways there are to vote.</p>
Read the full article here: BBC News


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