Op-ed: Sri Lanka in a bind over disappearances bill and new constitution

By PK Balachandran, 7 July 2017
The flag of Sri Lanka (Photo credit: Pixabay)
The flag of Sri Lanka (Photo credit: Pixabay)
According to the author, the Sri Lankan government is in a bind over two important commitments it had solemnly made two years ago, one to the electorate of Sri Lanka, and the other to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva. The president and prime minister got their positions by promising a new democratic constitution, wherein, power will be vested in Parliament and not in an Executive President, and wherein, the provinces will be given a sufficient amount of autonomy. And to get out of the hook at the UNHRC, where there had been charges of war crimes against it, the government signed the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances in December 2015, and promised to incorporate it in the country’ domestic law.
Read the full article here: Lanka Business Online


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