Op-ed: Scottish devolution: a vow fulfilled?

By Simon Wilson, 15 February 2016
UK and Scottish Flags (photo credit: UK Government)
UK and Scottish Flags (photo credit: UK Government)
<p><strong>Panicked unionist parties made a “vow” of more devolved powers to voters during Scotland’s independence referendum. A new bill promises to deliver. Will it? Simon Wilson reports.</strong></p><h2>What’s in the bill?</h2><p>It gives the Scottish government in Holyrood a range of significant new tax and spending powers, but stops some way short of full fiscal autonomy. From April 2017 the Scottish parliament will be able to vary the rates and bands of income tax for the first time; they will also keep half of all VAT receipts and be able to top up welfare payments and create new ones.</p>
Read the full article here: MoneyWeek


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