Op-ed: Iraq constitutional amendments face uphill battle amid parliamentary dissensus

28 July 2016
Iraqi MPs tussle over removal of Speaker (photo credit: Aljazeera)
Iraqi MPs tussle over removal of Speaker (photo credit: Aljazeera)
<p><span>Iraqi&nbsp;parliament Speaker Salim al-Jabouri suddenly announced July 17 the formation of a parliamentary committee tasked with&nbsp;</span><a target="_blank" href="http://muttahidoon.org/index.php/main/view/4069">amending the country's constitution</a><span>. While this is not the first time that calls have been made to amend&nbsp;the&nbsp;</span><span>Iraqi C</span><span>onstitution, no serious steps&nbsp;</span><span>had been&nbsp;</span><span>taken.</span><span><br></span></p>
Read the full article here: Al-Monitor


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