In Iraq, Kurdish leader calls on Baghdad to form higher council on constitutional matters

By Kosar Nawzad and Nadia Riva, 17 September 2018
photo credit: Sammy Six/flickr
photo credit: Sammy Six/flickr
The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Masoud Barzani, on Saturday called on Baghdad to form a higher council that ensures pluralistic decision making and the implementation of the Constitution in Iraq. “Until the establishment of the ‘Federation Council,’ a higher council for policies and strategic planning must be formed so that all the important decisions in Iraq are made multilaterally by all its constituencies,” said Barzani during a meeting with media cadres in Erbil. Referenced in Article 48 of the Iraqi constitution, the federal legislative power was set to consist of the “Council of Representatives and the Federation Council.” However, the latter is yet to be created due to the successive conflicts the country has found itself in ever since the fall of the Baathist regime in 2003.
Read the full article here: Kurdistan24


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