In Germany, interior minister presents plans to strengthen cyber security with basic law amendments

By Joerg Schieb, 12 July 2023
German Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (photo credit: BMI/Lammel)
German Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (photo credit: BMI/Lammel)
[Original in German] The Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser ( SPD ) presented a comprehensive catalog of measures on [11 July]. The measures are summarized on almost 14 pages in the " Cyber ​​Security Agenda of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland". In Berlin, the interior minister promised better equipment for the security authorities. The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) is to be expanded into a central office between the federal and state governments. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Federal Criminal Police Office are also to be strengthened. Nancy Faeser even proposed an amendment to the Basic Law in order to expand the BSI, which reports to her house, into a central coordination office.
Read the full article here: WDR


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