Former MP urges changes to Ghana's constitution

23 August 2018
photo credit: pixabay
photo credit: pixabay
Former Chairperson of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) Samia Yaba Nkrumah has stated that Ghana’s current constitution does not aid in strengthening the country’s democracy. According to the CPP Chair, the content of the 1992 Constitution has an influence on the mindset of citizens. Speaking at the 5th edition of The Accra Dialogue on Wednesday, August 22, the former lawmaker stated that Ghanaians need to seek a change or an amendment to the constitution as it does not make all Ghanaian citizens equal before the law. “The 1992 constitution is not helping Ghana’s democracy. We are all in Ghana as citizens, but not equal before the law,” she complained.
Read the full article here: Ghana Web


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