Commission on the constitutional future of Wales releases interim report

7 December 2022
Welsh and UK flag at the Senedd (photo credit: North Wales Live)
Welsh and UK flag at the Senedd (photo credit: North Wales Live)
The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales, Co-chaired by Professor Laura McAllister and Dr Rowan Williams, has gathered evidence on how Wales is currently governed from over 2,000 Welsh citizens, expert groups and community-led organisations. The Commission’s interim report highlights that the United Kingdom is virtually unique in not having a written constitution. The Commission details that an “unwritten constitution” takes for granted the “sovereignty” of Westminster, which adds significant constraints to people of Wales and their elected representatives to determine how they should be governed. [...] In its report, the Commission argues that the ‘status quo’ is not a viable option for providing stability and prosperity for Wales. The report goes on to conclude that there are three feasible and alternative constitutional routes for how Wales could be run that could improve the lives of the citizens of Wales. These are: 1. Strengthen and secure the current devolution settlement. 2. A federal approach with a new UK constitution which creates equality between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 3. Independence, where Wales would become a sovereign country, eligible to apply for full membership of international organisations, such as the UN. [Full interim report:]
Read the full article here: Nation Cymru


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