In Colombia, house of representatives approves constitutional reform creating agrarian and rural jurisdiction to resolve land disputes

15 May 2023
Flag of Colombia (photo credit: David_Peterson via pixabay)
Flag of Colombia (photo credit: David_Peterson via pixabay)
[Original in Spanish] With the support of all parties, which allowed it to have an absolute majority, the plenary of the Chamber approved the draft legislative act that creates the Agrarian and Rural Jurisdiction, so that there will be judges in the territories to promptly resolve land conflicts. The constitutional reform, which is authored by the national government, was approved in the sixth debate and now goes to the Senate to complete its last two debates so that it can enter into force and then its regulation can be arranged. [...] [T]he Conservative Party pointed out that thanks to the agreement reached, a very significant tool is being given to the Colombian countryside and especially to the peasants who require solutions for their lands.
Read the full article here: House of Representatives Press and Information Office


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