Land and Property

30 May 2023
In Malta, opposition party announces public consultation for constitutional amendment on right to the environment

15 May 2023
In Colombia, house of representatives approves constitutional reform creating agrarian and rural jurisdiction to resolve land disputes

10 May 2023
In Aruba, minister of nature initiates constitutional amendment to enshrine 'rights of nature' and human right to clean environment

3 April 2023
In the Philippines, chairman of upper house constitutional amendment panel submits proposed changes to economic provisions

9 March 2023
In Ireland, disagreement on constitutional reform delays housing referendum

Voices From The Field
31 October 2022
The Emergence of ‘Fixed Constitutional Commitments’ on the Environment: A Tool for Addressing Climate Change?

24 February 2022
In Mexico, supreme court withdraws mining concessions for lack of indigenous community consultations

Voices From The Field
21 December 2021
Re-evaluating Democracy in the Federated States of Micronesia through the 4th Constitutional Convention

8 December 2021
Op-Ed: In South Africa, as draft constitutional amendment for compensationless expropriation sinks, all eyes turn to expropriation bill

6 December 2021
In Ecuador, constitutional court rules mining permits violate the rights of nature