Nepal Comprehensive Rules of Procedure of the Constituent Assembly
This document, written by the Constituent Assembly, details their rules of procedure. Included are chapters on notice of sitting, attendance of members, seating arrangements, conduct and adjournment of sitting, election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson and nomination of the Panel of Chair, election of President and Vice-President, procedures of sitting, methods of decision-making in the Assembly, maintenance of order in the Assembly, motions, amendments to motions, Committees of the Constituent Assembly, procedures for passing the Bill of Constitution, Privileges Committee, motion of impeachment against President and Vice-President, motion on conduct of Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson incompatible to position, notice on absence, resignation and vacant posts, offices to the Constituent Assembly Party and provisions relating to defection, and the Code of Conduct of members and a provision relating to the monitoring thereof.