Libya: ''Rehlat Watan'' - Report and Recommendations
Rehlat Watan, or 'Journey of a Nation', is a constitutional bus tour and mobile event which traveled to several Libyan cities and towns. At each destination, all members of the community were invited to participate in a “Constitution Day” held in coordination with local Libyan organisations. The Constitution Day included games and activities, educational materials, and Q&A sessions, aimed to educate citizens on the constitutional process, their rights, and how their role in the process. Lawyers For Justice in Libya has (LFJL) has surveyed the public on what rights they would like to see protected in their Constitution.
The journey has provided a forum for dialogue and an opportunity for LFJL to obtain an understanding of the key issues the Libyan public would like to see addressed in the new constitution.
This document is the report and recommendations based on the information and data gathered during these activities.
The document is also available in Arabic.