The Independence and Impartiality of the Judiciary in Lebanon, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network - 2010
This report was published by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network and written by the lawyers Maya W. Mansour and Carlos Y. Daoudon in 2010. The report, also available in Arabic, “Independence and Impartiality of the Judiciary – Lebanon” aims to describe indetail the main features of the Lebanese judiciary, with particular focus on the fundamental problems affecting its independence and impartiality. The examples mentioned in the report illustrate the practical consequences that a lack of independence can have on the rights of citizens. It includes a series of detailed recommendations concerning the constitutional, legal and administrative changes that are required in order to achieve a level of judicial independence in accordance with international standards. The recommendations are primarily directed towards the Lebanese authorities who are requested to demonstrate genuine political will in order to achieve real and substantial progress in this area. Other recommendations are directed towards external actors and donors, including the EU and civil society, whose role should not be underestimated.
The report is divided into five parts. Part One is dedicated to the legal framework and structure of the Lebanese judiciary.Part Two focuses on obstacles to the independence and impartiality of the Lebanese judiciary.Corruption within the Lebanese judicial system is dealt with in Part Three. Part Four tackles the specific role of lawyers. Finally, Part Five briefly examines past and current reform projects of the Lebanese judiciary.The report ends with a series of detailed recommendations directed at the Lebanese authorities, the EU and the Lebanese civil society.