The global parliamentary report - The changing nature of parliamentary representation , UNDP & Inter-Parliamentary Union - 2012
The first Global Parliamentary Report published in April 2012, was jointly commissioned by the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme (UNDP) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union(IPU). This report focuses on the relationship between parliaments and citizens. It is the result of extensive research, drawing on interviews with parliamentarians, and on inputs provided by parliaments.The report’s findings highlight the diversity of parliamentary systems, reflecting countries’ different historicaland political contexts. UNDP is grateful to all the parliamentarians, parliamentary staff, experts, and other individualswho supported the research process. The report offers a broad assessment of current practices, innovative practices, and some of the main drivers ofchange expected to affect parliaments in the foreseeable future. It offers politicians, experts, and citizens informationon what has been effective in different parts of the world, without promoting a specific parliamentary system. This report is dedicated to all parliamentarians, policymakers, and individuals who strive to dothat through their work. The report is also available in Arabic