Chhaya Kunwar
Job Title
Senior Program Coordinator
Himalayan Action Research Centre
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
•The Emancipated Women of Uttarakhand – (published) A collection of true stories about the relentless courage and united efforts of empowered women of Uttrakhand.
•Garhwal Himalaya Mein Mahila Vikas (Women Development in Garhwal Himalaya) –(published) This is a study on the impact and effectiveness of different Women Development Programs implemented by the Garhwal Himalayas.The study also presented some strong policy recommendations for planning and effective implementation of women development programs.
•Ham aur Hamari Gram Sabha - (Published) A hand book for panchayat representatives, CBOs and gram sabha members to know about the importance of gram sabha meetings and methods to increase the active and effective participation of marginalized people in Gram Sabha meetings.
•Desertion of Women - A Social Evil – –(published) This is an in-depth study on the present status and problems of deserted women.. 250 deserted women were covered under this study from all over Uttrakhand. Strong policy recommendations were presented in this study.
•A Booklet on Women Development Programs – This booklet gives a detailed information on women development program and schemes of different department of Govt. of Uttranchal.
•A Booklet on - Schemes of Urban Development in Uttranchal ( Published) This booklet is a compilation of development program and schemes implemented in urban areas by Govt. of Uttranchal.
•Reference book and manual for strengthening local self governance institutions
•A research paper on “Mountain Women’s Access to Land, Water and Forest- Imagining Human Rights Based Approach to Development” Prepared at Inter National Centre for Research on Women, Washington DC, USA
•Conducted an impact Evaluation of DOON VALLEY WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, Uttranchal , funded by European Committee , with special focus on Social Equity and Livelihood ( As a member of Evaluation team selected by E.C.)
Article & Papers :
•Women and Panchayat
•Issues in Community based participative Management of Environment.
•Role of Mountain Women in Management of Sustainable eco-system
•Gender Based Division of Work in Mountain Areas.
•Women’s Perspective on Decentralisation in India
•People’s Institutions- Key to Sustainable Development of mountain and its people
•Women’s Access to Natural Resources- Imagining Rights Based Development Strategies.
•Mountain Women’s Initiative – A Collective Approach to Sustainable Economic Development
•Proposed Uttranchal Women Policy - Some Suggestions.( Hindi)
•Contribution of mountain women in biodiversity conservation and the sustainable use of
resources in Uttarakhand region of Hindukush Himalayas