William Burke-White
Job Title
Assistant Professor of Law
University of Pennsylvania Law School
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
“The Domestic Influence of International Criminal Tribunals: The International Criminal
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Creation of the State Court of Bosnia & Herzegovina,” Colombia Journal of Transnational Law (forthcoming 2007).
“Proactive Complementarity: The International Criminal Court and National Courts in the
Rome System of Justice” 49:1 Harvard International Law Journal (forthcoming 2007).
“Implementing a Policy of Positive Complementarity in the Rome System of Justice,
Criminal Law Forum (forthcoming 2007).
“Investment Protection in Extraordinary Times: The Interpretation and Application of Non-
Precluded Measures Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties (with Andreas von Staden), 48:2 Virginia Journal of International Law (forthcoming 2007).
“The Future of the United Nations, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, On-Line Pennumbra Debate with Professor Avi Bell (September 2006)
“The European Way of Law” (with Anne-Marie Slaughter) in New Perspectives on the Divide
Between National and International Law ( Oxford University Press, August 2007).
“The Future of International Law is Domestic” (with Anne-Marie Slaughter), 47 Harvard
International Law Journal 1 (2006).
“Preferences Matter: Conversations with Cambodians on the Prosecution of the Khmer Rouge
Leadership,” in Bringing the Khmer Rouge to Justice: Prosecuting Mass Violence Before the Cambodian Courts 97-126 (Jaya Ramji and Beth van Schaack, eds., 2006)
“Complementarity in Practice: the International Criminal Court as Part of a System of Multi-Level
Global Governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo,” 18 Leiden Journal of International Law (2005).
“International Legal Pluralism,” 25 Michigan Journal of International Law 963 (2005).
“Human Rights in the Inter-American System,” 2 International Studies Journal (Tehran) (2005).
“Human Rights and National Security: The Strategic Correlation,” 17 Harvard Journal of
Human Rights 249 (2004).
“The International Criminal Court and the Future of Legal Accountability,” 10 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 195 (2003).
“A Community of Courts: Toward a System of International Criminal Law Enforcement,” 24 Michigan Journal of International Law 1 (2003).
“Regionalization of International Criminal Law Enforcement: A Preliminary Exploration,” 38:4 Texas International Law Journal (2003).
“An International Constitutional Moment” (with Anne-Marie Slaughter), 43 Harvard International Law
Journal 1 (2002).
“The Future of the Law” (with Anne-Marie Slaughter), Harvard International Review, Spring 2002.
“What If? Prosecuting Crimes of Chemical Terror,” in Treaty Enforcement and Mutual Legal Assistance
“Reframing Impunity: Applying Liberal International Law Theory to an Analysis of Amnesty Legislation,” 42 Harvard International Law Journal 467 (2001).
“Protecting the Minority: A Place for Impunity?” Journal of Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in
Europe, Fall 2000.
Opinion and Editorial Works
“Iran-Russia Relations,” E'temad Newspaper (Tehran), September 12, 2007.
“Don’t Shut the Door on Dialogue With Iran,”, The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 19, 2007 (with
Adam Kolker). Reprinted in The Houston Chronicle and Ham-Mihan Daily Newspaper (Tehran).
“Allow an International Panel to Judge Saddam,” The International Herald Tribune, December20,2003
(with Anne-Marie Slaughter)
“Role for U.N. in War Crimes Trials,” The Washington Times, May 21, 2003 (with Anne-Marie
“The UN Must Help Bring Justice to Iraq,” The Financial Times, April 9, 2003 (with Anne-
Marie Slaughter).