Job Title
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
Books on Political Communications
1) 2001 Digital Divide? Civic Engagement, Information Poverty and the Internet
Worldwide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp.303. (A Korean
edition published in 2007).
2) 2000 A Virtuous Circle? Political Communications in Post-Industrial Democracies.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 398. (A Chinese edition was
published by Shanghai University Press in 2004).
3) 1999 On Message: Communicating the Campaign. Co-authored by Pippa
Norris, John Curtice, David Sanders, Maggie Scammell, and Holli
Semetko. London: Sage Publications. Pp.218.
Books on Elections and Public Opinion
4) 2008. Driving Democracy: Do Power-Sharing Institutions Work? (M/s in press,
Cambridge University Press, forthcoming spring 2008).
5) 2005. Radical Right: Voters and Parties in the Electoral Market. New York:
Cambridge University Press. Pp.349.
6) 2004. Sacred and Secular: Politics and Religion Worldwide. Coauthored with
Ronald Inglehart. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp.370.
(Croatian, Polish, and Italian translated versions are forthcoming).
(Awarded the 2005 Virginia A. Hodgkinson prize by the Independent
7) 2004 Electoral Engineering: Voting Rules and Political Behavior. New York:
Cambridge University Press. Pp.360.
8) 2002. Democratic Phoenix: Reinventing Political Activism. New York:
Cambridge University Press. Pp.290.
9) 1997. Electoral Change since 1945. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Pp.270.
10) 1990. British By-Elections: The Volatile Electorate. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Pp. 263.
Books on Gender Politics
11) 2003. Rising Tide: Gender Equality & Cultural Change around the World.
Coauthored with Ronald Inglehart. New York: Cambridge University
Press. Pp.226. (A Polish edition is forthcoming in 2006)
12) 1995 Political Recruitment: Gender, Race and Class in the British Parliament. Coauthored
with Joni Lovenduski. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
13) 1986 Politics and Sexual Equality: The Comparative Position of Women in Western
Democracies. Harvester Wheatsheaf, Sussex; Lynne Reinner, Colorado,
USA. Pp. 216.
Edited Books on Elections and Public Opinion
1) 2008. Britain Votes 2008. With Andrew Geddes and Jon Tonge. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
2) 2008. Comparing Democracies 3: New Challenges in the Study of Elections and
Voting. With Lawrence Leduc and Richard Niemi. London: Sage. Pp269.
(Completely revised 3rd edition, see below 1996 and 2002)
3) 2007. Making Democracy Deliver: Governance and Human Development. (M/s
under review).
4) 2005. Britain Votes 2005. With Christopher Wlezien. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
5) 2002. Comparing Democracies 2: New Challenges in the Study of Elections and
Voting. With Lawrence Leduc and Richard Niemi. London: Sage. Pp269.
(Completely revised 2nd edition, see below 1996)
6) 2001 Britain Votes 2001. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 276.
7) 1999 Critical Elections: British Parties and Voters in Long-term Perspective With
Geoffrey Evans. London: Sage Publications. Pp. 310.
8) 1998 Elections and Voting Behaviour. Hampshire: Ashgate Publisher. Pp.542.
9) 1998 Critical Citizens: Global Support for Democratic Governance. Oxford:
Oxford University Press. Pp.303.
10) 1997 Britain Votes 1997. With Neil Gavin. Oxford: Oxford University
Press. Pp.249.
11) 1996 Comparing Democracies: Elections and Voting in Global Perspective. With
Lawrence Leduc and Richard Niemi. Thousand Oaks, CA/London: Sage.
12) 1993 British Elections and Parties Yearbook, 1993. With David Denver, Colin
Rallings and David Broughton. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan
Press. Pp.242.
13) 1992 British Elections and Parties Yearbook, 1992. With Ivor Crewe, David
Denver and David Broughton. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan
Press. Pp. 267.
14) 1991 British Elections and Parties Yearbook, 1991. With Ivor Crewe, David
Denver and David Broughton. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan
Press. Pp. 312.
Edited Books on Political Communications
15) 2003. Framing Terrorism: The News Media, the Government and the Public.
Edited with Montague Kern and Marion Just. New York: Routledge. Pp.
16) 1998 The Politics of News: The News of Politics. With Doris Graber and Denis
McQuail. Washington, DC: CQ Press. Pp.268. (A revised and updated
third edition is currently in press for publication 2007).
17) 1997 Politics and the Press: The News Media and Its Influences. Boulder, Co.:
Lynne Rienner Publishers. Pp.333.
18) 1997 Women, Media, and Politics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Edited Books on Gender Politics
19) 1997 Passages to Power: Legislative Recruitment in Advanced Democracies.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp.259.
20) 1996 Women in Politics. With Joni Lovenduski. Oxford: Oxford University
Press. Pp.239.
21) 1994 Different Voices, Different Roles: Women and Politics in the United States and
Europe. With Marianne Githens and Joni Lovenduski. New York: Harper
Collins/Longmans. Pp.277.
22) 1993 Gender and Party Politics. With Joni Lovenduski. London: Sage.
23) 1991 Bibliography of Political Studies, 1990. Co-edited with Ivor Crewe. Herts:
Harvester Wheatsheaf. Pp.356.
24) 1991 Bibliography of Political Studies, 1991. Co-edited with Ivor Crewe. Herts:
Harvester Wheatsheaf. Pp.411.
Chapters on Political Communications
1) 2007. ‘Isolates or Socialites? The social ties of internet users.’ John Curtice
and Pippa Norris. In British Social Attitudes Ed. Alison Park. London: Sage.
2) 2007. ‘Message or Medium?’ David Sanders and Pippa Norris. In Real
Research: Conducting and Evaluating Research in the Social Sciences. Ed. Loreen
Wolfer. New York: Allyn and Bacon.
3) 2007. ‘A Virtuous Circle: Political Communications in Postindustrial
Societies.’ Pp137-161. Reprinted in Readings in Political Communication. PA:
Strata Publishing, Inc.
4) 2006. ‘Political engagement.’ Extract from Democratic Phoenix and
‘Tabloidization, video malaise and cynicism’ from A Virtuous Circle
reprinted in Reader in Political Communications Ed. Ralph Negrine and Jeff
Stanyer. Routledge/Taylor and Francis.
5) 2006. ‘Die Überzeugten überzeugen? Pluralismus, Partizipation und
Parteien im Internet.’ In Regieren und Kommunikation (Government and
Communication) Edited by Klaus Kamps and Jörg-Uwe Nieland. Koln:
Herbert von Halem Verlag. pp261-284.
6) 2005. ‘Digital divide: Civic engagement, information poverty, and the
internet worldwide.’ Pp77-92. Reprinted in Intersecting Inequalities: Class,
Race, Sex and Sexuality. Prentice Hall/Pearson Education.
7) 2005. ‘E-voting as the magic bullet for European parliamentary elections?’
In The European Union and E-voting Ed. Alexander Trechsel and Fernando
Mendez. London: Routledge. Pp.60-91.
8) 2004. ‘e-politics? The impact of the Internet on political trust and
participation.’ John Curtice and Pippa Norris. In British Social Attitudes, The
21st Report. Ed. Alison Park. London: Sage. Pp99-116.
9) 2004. ‘The Internet and Politics: Emerging Perspectives.’ Doris A.
Graber, Bruce Bimber, W. Lance Bennett, Richard Davis and Pippa
Norris. In Academy & the Internet. Eds. Helen Nissenbaum and Monroe E.
Price. New York: Peter Lang. pp.90-119.
10) 2004. ‘Global political communication.’ In Comparing Political
Communication: Theories, Cases and Challenges. Eds. Frank Esser and Barbara
Pfetsch. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp115-150.
11) 2004. ‘Preaching to the converted? Pluralism, participation and party
websites.’ In e-democracia: Retos y Oportunidas papa el Fortalecimientode la
Participatión Ciudadana y la Democracia en la Sociedad de la Informacion. Eds.
José I Porras y Rubén Araya. Santiago, Chile: Universidad Bolivariana.
12) 2004. ‘Will new technology boost turnout?’ In Electronic Voting and
Democracy: A Comparative Analysis. Edited by Norbert Kersting and Harald
Baldersheim. London: Palgrave. Pp.193-225.
13) 2003. ‘Il divario digitale globale: poverta informative, Internet e sviluppo.’
In Quale Futuro Per Il Commercio Electtronico? Edited by Giorgio Gottardi
and Ettore Bolisani. Milan: Franco Angeli.
14) 2003. ‘The Worldwide Digital Divide: Information Poverty, the Internet
and Development.’ In I mercati elettronici hanno reali prospettive? Ed. Ettore
Bolisani. Milan: Franco Angeli.
15) 2003. ‘The bridging and bonding role of online communities.’ In Society
Online: The Internet in Context Eds. Philip N. Howard and Steve Jones.
Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage.
16) 2003. ‘Digital divide.’ In The Information Society Reader. Ed Frank Webster.
London: Routledge.
17) 2003.’Globale politische Kommunikation: Freie Medien, Gutes Regieren
und Wohlstandsentwicklung.’ In Politische Kommunikation Im Internationalen
Vergleich. Hrsg. Frank Esser and Barbara Pfetsch. Germany:
Westdeutscher Verlag.
18) 2002. ‘La Participacion Ciudadana: Mexico Desde Una Perspectiva
Comparativa.’ In Deconstruyendo la ciusasanía: Advances y retos en el desarrollo de
la cultura democrática en Mexico. Mexico: Instituto Federal Electoral.
19) 2002. ‘Un circolo virtuoso? L’impatto di partiti e mezzi di informazione
sulla partecipazione politica nelle campagne postmoderne.’ In Il circuito
politico-mediale. Ed. Angelo Mellone. Rome: Rubbettino editore.
20) 2002. ‘Political Communications.’ In Comparing Democracies 2: New
Challenges in the Study of Elections and Voting. Eds. Lawrence LeDuc, Richard
Niemi and Pippa Norris. London: Sage.
21) 2002. ‘Do Campaigns Matter for Civic Engagement? US Elections 1952-
2000.’ Do Political Campaigns Matter? Eds. David Farrell and Rudiger
Schmitt-Beck. London: Routledge.
22) 2001. ‘Who Surfs? New Technology, Old Voters and Virtual Democracy
in US Elections 1992-2000.’ Revised edition. Ed. Elaine
Kamarck and Joseph S. Nye Jr. Washington, DC: Brookings Institute.
23) 2001. ‘Echar la culpa al mensajero? Los nuevos medios de comunicacion y
la desafeccion politica en las democracies europeas.’ In Construccion de
Europa, Democracia y Globalizacion. Ed Ramon Maiz. Universidade de
Santiago de Compostela.
24) 2001. ‘A Virtuous Circle? The Impact of Political Communications in
Post-Industrial Democracies.’ In Challenges to Democracy. Ed Keith
Dowding, James Hughes and Helen Margetts. London: Palgrave
Publishers. Pp.100-117.
25) 2001. ‘Political Communication: Technological Diffusion and
Democracy’. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Oxford: Pergamon /Elsevier Science.
26) 2001 ‘The News Media and Democracy.’ In Political Communications
Transformed: From Morrison to Mandelson. Edited by John Bartle and Dylan
Griffiths. Basingstoke: Palgrave Publishers. Pp. 163-180.
27) 2000 ‘The Impact of Television on Civic Malaise.’ Chapter 10. In
Disaffected Democracies: What’s Troubling the Trilateral Countries? Edited By
Susan J. Pharr and Robert D. Putnam. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press. Pp.231-251.
28) 2000. ‘Blaming the Messenger? Political Communications and Turnout in
EU Elections.’ In Citizen Participation in European Politics.
Demokratiutredningens skrift ne 32. Stockholm: Pressens Bild/ Statens
Offentliga Utredningar: Pp.99-117.
29) 1999 ‘Who Surfs? New Technology, Old Voters and Virtual Democracy.’
In Edited by Elaine C. Kamarck and Joseph S. Nye Jr. New
Hampshire: Hollis. Pp. 71-94.
30) 1998 ‘Does Negative News Matter? The Effect of TV News on Party
Images in the 1997 British Election.’ With David Sanders. In British
Elections and Parties Review. Edited by Charles Pattie et al. London: Frank
Cass. Pp.150-170.
31) 1997 ‘The Battle for the Campaign Agenda.’ In Britain at the Polls, 1997.
Edited by Anthony King. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House. Pp.113-144.
32) 1997 ‘Political Communications.’ In Developments in British Politics, 5. Edited
by Patrick Dunleavy et al. London: Macmillan. Pp.75-88.
33) 1997 ‘Introduction: The Rise of Post-Modern Political Communications?’
In Politics and the Press: The News Media and Its Influences. Edited by Pippa
Norris Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner Press. Pp.1-17.
34) 1997 ‘News of the World’ in Politics and the Press: The News Media and Its
Influences. Edited by Pippa Norris. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner Press.
35) 1996 ‘Introduction’ and ‘A Splash of Color in the Photo Op: Women
Leaders Worldwide.’ In Women, Media, and Politics. Edited by Pippa Norris.
New York: Oxford University Press. Pp.149-165.
36) 1996 ‘Political Communications in British Election Campaigns:
Reconsidering Media Effects.’ In British Parties and Elections Yearbook, 1995
Edited by David Farrell et al. Frank Cass: London. Pp.125-138.
Chapters on Elections and Public Opinion
37) 2008. ‘Islamic Culture and Democracy: Testing the 'Clash of Civilizations'
Thesis.’ With Ronald Inglehart. In New Frontiers of Comparative Sociology.
Edited by Masamichi Sasaki. Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publishers.
38) 2008. 'Christian conservatism in global perspective: US exceptionalism
(again)?' Chapter 3 for Christian Conservatives and American Democracy Edited
by Steven Brint and Jean Reith Schroedel. New York: Russell Sage.
39) 2008. ‘Max Weber and the Protestant Ethic revisited.’ With Ronald
Inglehart. In Jan Peil and Irene van Staveren (eds.) Handbook of Economics
and Ethics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008.
40) 2007. ‘Sellers or buyers in religious markets?’ (with Ronald Inglehart). In
The New Religious Pluralism and Democracy. Ed. Thomas Banchoff New
York: Oxford University Press.
41) 2007. ‘Continental divide: Social capital in the US and Europe.’ Pippa
Norris and James Davis. In Roger Jowell, C. Roberts, R. Fitzgerald and G.
Eva (eds.) Measuring attitudes cross-nationally: Lessons from the European Social
Survey. London: Sage.
42) 2007. ‘Political activism: New challenges, new opportunities.’ The Oxford
Handbook of Comparative Politics. Edited by Carles Boix and Susan Stokes.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
43) 2006. ‘Why religion didn’t disappear: Reexamining the secularization
thesis.’ Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Norris. In World Cultures Yearbook,
2007. Ed. Helmut Anheier and Raj Isar. London: Sage Publications.
44) 2006. ‘Does Protest Signify Disaffection? Demonstrators in a
Postindustrial Democracy.’ Pippa Norris, Stefaan Walgrave and Peter van
Aelst. In Mariano Torcal and Jose Ramón Montero, eds., Political
Disaffection in Contemporary Democracies. Social Capital, Institutions and Politics,
pp. 279-307. London: Routledge.
45) 2006. ‘Recruitment.’ For the Handbook on Political Parties edited by Richard
S. Katz and William Crotty. London: Sage Publications.
46) 2006. ‘Skeptical patients: Performance, Social Capital and Culture.’ In The
Trust Crisis in Healthcare. Ed. David A. Shore. New York: Oxford
University Press.
47) 2006. ‘Ballot structures and Legislative Behavior’ In Exporting Congress.
Edited by Timothy Powers & Nicol Rae. Pittsburgh: University of
Pittsburgh Press.
48) 2005. ‘Elections and Public Opinion.’ In The Blair Effect II 2001-5 Edited
by Dennis Kavanagh and Anthony Seldon. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, pp.43-67.
49) 2003. ‘Still a public service ethos? Work values, experience and job
satisfaction among government workers.’ In For the People: Public Service in
the 21st Century. Edited by Joseph S. Nye and John Donahue. Washington
DC: Brookings Institution Press.
50) 2003. ‘Global governance and cosmopolitan citizens.’ Reprinted in The
Global Transformations Reader. 2nd Edition. Edited by David Held and
Anthony McGrew. Cambridge, Polity Press.
51) 2003. ‘Do institutions matter? The consequences of electoral reform for
political participation.’ In Rethinking the Vote Eds. Ann N. Crigler, Marion
R. Just, and Edward J. McCaffery. Oxford University Press.
52) 2001. ‘The Accidental President: Fuzzy Math, Florida Lawsuits and
Campaign 2000’ In the British Elections and Parties Review. Eds. Jonathan
Tonge, Lynn Bennie, David Denver and Lisa Harrison. London: Frank
Cass. Pp174-191.
53) 2001 ‘Confidence in Australia’s Democracy.’ In Elections: Full, Free and
Fair. Edited by Marian Sawer. Sydney: The Federation Press. Pp. 202-215.
54) 2001. ‘Global Governance and Cosmopolitan Citizens.’ In Governance in a
Globalizing World. Eds. Joseph S. Nye and John Donahue. Washington
DC: Brookings Institution Press. Pp.155-177.
55) 2002 ‘Ballots not Bullets: Electoral Systems, Ethnic Minorities and
Democratization.’ Chapter 8. In The Architecture of Democracy. Edited by
Andrew Reynolds and Scott Mainwaring. Oxford: Oxford University
56) 2001 ‘New Labour and Public Opinion: The Third Way as Centrism?’
Chapter 3. In New Labour: The Progressive Future? Edited by Stuart White.
London: Macmillan P.32-44.
57) 2001. ‘The Social Background of MPs.’ In The Contemporary British Society
Reader edited by Nick Abercrombie and Alan Warde. Cambridge: Polity
Press. Pp.262-270.
58) 2000 ‘Confidence in Public Institutions: Faith, Culture or Performance?’
With Kenneth Newton. In Disaffected Democracies: What’s Troubling the
Trilateral Countries? Edited By Susan Pharr and Robert Putnam. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press. Pp.52-73.
59) 2000. ‘Comparing Electoral Systems.’ (Published in Japanese). In
Democratic Viability in Politics edited by Jean Laponce and Bernard Saint-
Jacques. Tokyo: Masahiro Iwasaki.
60) 1999 ‘Introduction: Understanding Electoral Change’ and ‘Conclusion:
Was 1997 a Critical Election?’ In Critical Elections: British Parties and Voters
in Long-term Perspective. Edited by Geoffrey Evans and Pippa Norris.
London: Sage.
61) 1999 ‘The Political Regime.’ In Political Representation and Legitimacy in the
European Union. Edited by Jacques Thomassen and Hermann Schmitt.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapter 4. Pp.74-89.
62) 1999 ‘Recruitment into the European Parliament.’ In The European
Parliament, the National Parliaments, and European Integration. Edited by
Richard Katz and Bernhard Wessels. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
63) 1998. ‘New Labour, New Tactical Voting?’ With Geoffrey Evans and
John Curtice. In British Elections and Parties Review. Edited by Charles Pattie
et al. London: Frank Cass. Pp.65-79.
64) 1997 ‘Anatomy of a Labour Landslide.’ In Britain Votes 1997. Edited by
Pippa Norris and Neil Gavin. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp.1-24.
65) 1994 ‘The 1992 Presidential Election: Voting Behavior and Legitimacy.’ In
Developments in American Politics, 2. Edited by Gillean Peele et al. London:
Macmillan. Pp.18-44.
66) 1994 ‘Labour Party Factionalism and Extremism.’ In Labour's Last Chance?
The 1992 Election and Beyond. Edited by Anthony Heath et al. Aldershot,
Dartmouth Press. Pp.173-190.
67) 1990 ‘Electoral Studies.’ In New Developments in Political Science: An
International Review of Past Achievements and Future Prospects Edited by
Adrian Leftwich. Edward Elgar/Gower: Aldershot. Pp.176-195.
68) 1989 ‘Marginal Polls: Their Role & Record.’ In Political Communications:
The General Election Campaign of 1987. Edited by Ivor Crewe & Martin
Harrop. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. Pp. 223-238.
69) 1992 ‘The 1992 General Election: Conservative Hegemony or Labour
Recovery?’ With Ivor Crewe and Robert Waller. In British Parties and
Elections Yearbook 1992. Herts: Harvester Wheatsheaf/ Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press.
70) 1992 ‘Race and Parliamentary Representation.’ With Andrew Geddes and
Joni Lovenduski. In British Parties and Elections Yearbook 1992. Herts:
Harvester Wheatsheaf/Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
71) 1991 ‘In Defence of British Electoral Studies.’ With Ivor Crewe. In British
Elections and Parties Yearbook, 1991. Herts: Harvester Wheatsheaf/ Ann
Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Chapters on Gender Politics
72) 2007. ‘Opening the door: Women leaders and constitution-building in
Iraq and Afghanistan.’ In Women Who Lead Ed. Barbara Kellerman. New
York: Jossey Bass.
73) 2007. ‘Gender and political behavior: Sex-role socialization or gendered
institutions?’ In The Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior, eds. Russell
Dalton and Hans-Deiter Klingemann. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
74) 2006. ‘Kulturelle Barrieren bei der Erlangung gleichberechtigter
Repraesentation.’ (German version of Cultural Obstacles to Equal
Representation.) With Ronald Inglehart). In Demokratisches Regieren und
politische Kultur. Post-staatlich, post-parlamentarisch, post-patriarchal? Eds. Kathrin
Ruhl, Jan Schneider, Jutta Traeger und Claudia Wiesner. Muenster: LIT.
75) 2006. ‘Gender and social capital.’ In Dario Castiglione, Jan van Deth and
Guglielmo Wolleb (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Social Capital. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
76) 2005. ‘It’s the women, stupid.’ Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart. In
Women’s Rights. Ed. Jennifer Curry. New York: H. W. Wilson Co.
77) 2005. 'Gendering social capital: Bowling in women’s leagues?' (With
Ronald Inglehart). In Gender and Social Capital Ed. Brenda O'Neill. New
York: Routledge. Pp73-98.
78) 2005. ‘Women as political leaders worldwide: Cultural barriers and
opportunities.’ (With Ronald Inglehart). In Sue Thomas and Clive Wilcox
(Eds) Women in Elected Office 2nd Ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
79) 2003. ‘Teoria rozwojowa rőznic między płciami: zachowania wyborcze
kobiet I mężczyzn w ujęciu globalnym.’ (With Ronald Inglehart). In
Aktorzy zycia publicznego: Płeć jako czynnik rŏżnicyjący ed. Renata Siemienska.
Warsaw: Scholar Press.
80) 2003. ‘Representation and the democratic deficit.’ In The Democracy
Sourcebook. Ed. Robert A. Dahl, Ian Shapiro and Jose Antonio Cheibub.
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
81) 2001. ‘Women’s Power at the Ballot Box.’ For Voter Turnout from 1945 to
2000: A Global Report on Political Participation. 3rd Edition. International
IDEA: Stockholm.
82) 2002. ‘Gender and Contemporary British Politics.’ In British Politics Today.
Edited by Colin Hay. Cambridge: Polity Press Pp38-59.
83) 2001 ‘Breaking the Barriers: British Labour Party Quotas for Women’ In
Has Liberalism Failed Women? Assuring Equal Representation in Europe and the
United States. Eds. Jyette Klausen and Charles S. Maier. NY: Palgrave.
84) 2000. ‘Mobilizing the Women’s Vote: The Gender-Generation Gap in
Voting Behaviour.’ Reprinted. In Feminism and Politics, Volume 1. Edited by
Joni Lovenduski. The International Library of Politics and Comparative
Government. Hants: Ashgate.
85) 2000. ‘Schlussfolgerung: Ein Vergleich parlamentarisher Rekruitierung.’ In
Feministische Perspektiven der Politikwissenschaft. Eds. Kathrun Braun, Gesine
Fuchs, Christiane Lemke and Katrin Tons. Munich/Vienna: Oldenbourg.
86) 2002. ‘The Gender Gap: Theoretical Frameworks and New Approaches.’
In Women and American Politics: New Questions, New Directions, edited by
Susan Carroll. New York: Oxford University Press.
87) 2000 ‘Women’s Representation and Electoral Systems.’ In The International
Encyclopedia of Elections. Edited By Richard Rose. Washington, DC: CQ
Press. Pp. 348-351.
88) 1999. ‘Gender: A Gender-Generation Gap?’ In Critical Elections: British
Parties and Voters in Long-term Perspective. Edited by Geoffrey Evans and
Pippa Norris. London: Sage.
89) 1997 ‘Implicaciones de las diferencias de genero en el
comportamiento electoral.’ In Mujeres en Politica. Edited by Edurne Uriarte
y Arantxa Elizondo. Barcelona, Ariel.
90) 1997 ‘Introduction: Theories of Recruitment’, ‘United Kingdom’, and
‘Conclusions: Comparing Passages to Power.’ In Passages to Power:
Legislative Recruitment in Advanced Democracies. Edited by Pippa Norris.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
91) 1997 ‘Equality Strategies in the UK.’ In Sex Equality Policy in Western Europe
Edited by Frances Gardiner. London: Routledge. Pp.46-59.
92) 1996 ‘Gender Realignment in Comparative Perspective.’ In The Paradox of
Parties. Edited by Marian Simms. Melbourne: Allen & Unwin. Pp.109-
93) 1996 ‘Legislative Recruitment.’ In Comparing Democracies. Edited by
Lawrence LeDuc, Richard Niemi, and Pippa Norris. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage Publications. Pp.184-216.
94) 1996 ‘Women Politicians: Transforming Westminster?’ In Women in
Politics. Edited by Joni Lovenduski and Pippa Norris. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. pp.91-104.
95) 1994 ‘Women's Quotas in the Labour Party.’ In British Parties and Elections
Yearbook, 1994. Edited by David Broughton et al. London: Frank Cass.
96) 1994 ‘The Party and Women.’ With Joni Lovenduski and Catriona Levy.
In The Conservative Century. Edited by Anthony Seldon and Stuart Ball.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp.611-635.
97) 1993 ‘The Gender-Generation Gap in British Elections.’ In British Parties
and Elections Yearbook, 1993. Edited by David Denver, Pippa Norris, David
Broughton and Colin Rallings. Herts: Harvester Wheatsheaf. pp.129-142.
98) 1993 ‘The Recruitment of Parliamentary Candidates.’ With Joni
Lovenduski. In Britain's Changing Party System. Edited by Lynton Robbins,
Hilary Blackmore, and Robert Pyper. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
99) 1993 ‘Gender and Party Politics in Britain.’ With Joni Lovenduski. In
Gender and Party Politics. Edited by Joni Lovenduski and Pippa Norris.
Sage: London. pp. 35-59.
100)1993 ‘Comparative Legislative Recruitment.’ Chapter 13. In
Gender and Party Politics Ed. Joni Lovenduski and Pippa Norris. Sage:
London. Pp.309-330.
101) 1992 ‘Women's Under-representation in Congress: Is our
Electoral System the Culprit?’ With Wilma Rule. In United States Electoral
Systems: Their Impact on Women and Minorities: Volume II. Edited by Joseph
Zimmerman and Wilma Rule. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 41-54.
102) 1991 ‘Party Rules and Women's Representation: Reforming the
Labour Party Selection Process.’ With Joni Lovenduski. In British Elections
and Parties Yearbook, 1991. Herts: Harvester Wheatsheaf. pp. 189-206.
103) 1991 ‘Electoral Systems and Women in Legislative Elites.’ In
Political Leadership in Democratic Societies. Edited by Anthony Mughan and
Samuel C. Patterson. Chicago: Nelson-Hall. pp. 136-144.
104) 1991 ‘The Political Position of Women in Elites.’ In The Sociology
of Gender. Edited by Laura Kramer. New York: St Martin's Press.
105) 1988 ‘The Impact of Parties.’ In Women, Equality & Europe.
Edited by Mary Buckley and Malcolm Anderson. London: Macmillan.
106) 1987 ‘The Gender Gap: A Cross-cultural Trend?’ In Politics of the
Gender Gap. Edited by Carol Mueller. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
107) 1985 ‘Women's Legislative Participation in Western Europe’ In
Women and Politics in Western Europe. Edited by Sylvia Bashevkin. London:
Frank Cass.
1) 2008. ‘Britain Votes 2008’ Special issue of Parliamentary Affairs on the UK
general election. Edited with Jon Tonge and Andrew Geddes.
2) 2005. ‘Britain Votes 2005’ Special issue of Parliamentary Affairs on the UK
general election. Edited with Christopher Wlezien.
3) 2001. ‘Britain Votes 2001.’ Special issue of Parliamentary Affairs. October
4) 1997. 'Britain Votes, 1997.' Special issue of Parliamentary Affairs co-edited
with Neil Gavin. 50 (4) October.
5) 1997 'Political Representation in the European Parliament.' Special issue
of the European Journal of Political Research co-edited with Michael Marsh.
32(2) October.
6) 1996 'Women in British Politics.' Special issue of Parliamentary Affairs coedited
with Joni Lovenduski. 49(1).
7) 1995 'The Politics of Electoral Reform.' Special issue of the International
Political Science Review 16(1).
8) 1992 'The British General Election of 1992.' Special issue of Parliamentary
Affairs 45 (4) October.
Journal articles on Elections and Public Opinion
1) 2005. ‘Electoral reform and fragmented multipartyism.’ (Published in
Russian) Oňkymeha 3: 71-105.
2) 2006. ‘God, guns and gays: The supply and demand for religion in the US
and Western Europe.’ Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart. Public Policy
Research 12(4): 223-233.
3) 2005. ‘The third Blair victory: How and why?’ Pippa Norris and
Christopher Wlezien. Parliamentary Affairs 45(3):1-27.
4) 2005. ‘Whether the campaign matters and how.’ Christopher Wlezien and
Pippa Norris. Parliamentary Affairs 45(3):214-231.
5) 2005. ‘A tese da "nova clivagem" e a base social do apoio à direita radical.’
(The ‘new cleavage’ thesis and the social basis of radical right support’
published in Portuguese.) Opinião Pública 11(1): 1-32.
6) 2004. ‘Sacred and secular: Praying together, staying together?’ Pippa
Norris and Ronald Inglehart. International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law
7) 2004. (Reprinted in Spanish) ‘The True Clash of Civilizations?’ Ronald
Inglehart and Pippa Norris. Spanish edition of Foreign Policy. March/April
8) 2004. ‘Comment: Does PR promote political extremism, redux.’
Representation 40(3).
9) 2004. ‘Who demonstrates? Anti-state rebels, conventional participants, or
everyone?’ Pippa Norris, Stefaan Walgrave, and Peter Van Aelst.
Comparative Politics 37(2):189-206.
10) 2004. ‘Why parties fail to learn: Electoral defeat, selective perception and
British party politics.’ Pippa Norris and Joni Lovenduski. Party Politics
10(1): 85-104.
11) 2003. ‘Le Divorce: Who is to blame for the transatlantic rift?’ Compass: A
Journal of Leadership. Fall. 1(1): 22-25.
12) 2003. ‘The True Clash of Civilizations?’ Ronald Inglehart and Pippa
Norris. Foreign Policy. March/April: 63-70.
13) 2003. ‘Muslims and the West: Testing the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ Thesis.’
Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart. Comparative Sociology. 1 (3-4): 235-265.
14) 2003. Ronald Inglehart, Pippa Norris and Christian Welzel. ‘Gender
equality and democracy.’ Comparative Sociology. 1(3-4): 321-346.
15) 2002. ‘The Twilight of Westminster? Electoral Reform and its
Consequences.’ Political Studies. 49:877-900.
16) 2001. ‘Apathetic Landslide: The 2001 British General Election.’
Parliamentary Affairs. 54(4).
17) 2001. ‘US Campaign 2000: Of Pregnant Chads, Butterfly Ballots and
Partisan Vitriol.’ Government and Opposition. January 35(2): 1-24.
18) 2001. ‘Too Close to Call: Opinion Polls in Campaign 2000.’ The Harvard
International Journal of Press/Politics. January. 6(1).
19) 1998 ‘Political Elites and Constitutional Change.’ Scottish Affairs: 93-109.
20) 1997 ‘Anatomy of a Labour Landslide.’ Parliamentary Affairs 50(4): 509-
21) 1997 ‘We're All Green Now: Public Opinion and Environmentalism in
Britain.’ Government and Opposition 32(3): 320-339.
22) 1997 ‘Choosing Electoral Systems.’ International Political Science Review 18(3):
23) 1997 ‘The Puzzle of Constituency Service.’ The Journal of Legislative Studies
3(2): 29-49.
24) 1997 ‘A Critical Election? Understanding the Outcome of the Next
Election.’ Politics Review 6(4): 2-6.
25) 1997 ‘Towards a More Cosmopolitan Political Science?’ European Journal of
Political Research 30(1): 17-34.
26) 1997 ‘Second-Order Elections Revisited.’ European Journal of Political
Research 30(1): 109-114.
27) 1996 ‘The Nolan Report: Financial Interests and Constituency Service’
Government and Opposition 31(4): 441-448.
28) 1996 ‘Conservatism in Disarray?’ The Brown Journal of World Affairs III(1)
Winter-Spring 163-169.
29) 1995 ‘The Nolan Committee: Private Gain and Public Service.’
Parliamentary Brief 3(6): 40-42.
30) 1995 ‘May's Law of Curvilearity Revisited: Leaders, Officers, Members
and Voters in British Political Parties.’ Party Politics 1(1): 29-47.
31) 1995 ‘The Politics of Electoral Reform in Britain.’ International Political
Science Review Special Issue on Electoral Reform (plus Introduction) 16(1):
32) 1994 ‘Battling for the Center Ground’ Parliamentary Brief 3(1): 106-108.
33) 1994 ‘Did the British Marginals Vanish? Proportionality and Exaggeration
in the British Electoral System Revisited.’ With Ivor Crewe. Electoral
Studies 13 (3): 201-221.
34) 1993 ‘The 1992 US Elections: Continuity and Change.’ Government and
Opposition Winter 28(1): 51-68.
35) 1992 ‘The 1992 US Primaries: If it Ain't Broke Don't Fix it.’ Parliamentary
Affairs July 45(3): 428-436.
36) 1993 ‘The Reputation of Political Science Journals: Pluralist and
Consensus Views.’ Political Studies. With Ivor Crewe. XLI (1): 5-23.
37) 1992 ‘Change Plus Ca Change? Electoral Studies in the 1990s.’ Review
article Parliamentary History 11(2): 293-299
38) 1991 ‘British and American Journal Evaluation: Divergence or
Convergence?’ With Ivor Crewe. PS: Political Science & Politics XXIV (3):
39) 1991 ‘The Rise (and Fall?) of Multi-Party By-election Politics’ Parliamentary
Affairs June :298-310
40) 1991 ‘The 1990 Mid-term US Elections: Campaign and Results.’ Political
Quarterly 62(4): 461-475.
41) 1990 ‘By-Elections: Their Importance for Britain?’ Contemporary Record
4(2): 19-20.
42) 1990 ‘Do By-elections Constitute Referenda? A Four-Country
Comparison.’ With Frank Feigert. Legislative Studies Quarterly XV(2): 183-
43) 1990 ‘Thatcher's Enterprise Society and Electoral Change.’ West European
Politics. 13(1): 63-78.
44) 1989 ‘The 1988 Presidential Elections: The Reagan Legacy.’ Political
Quarterly 60(2): 204-221.
45) 1989 ‘Government and Third-Party Performance in Mid-Term Byelections:
The Canadian, British and Australian Experience.’ With Frank
Feigert. Electoral Studies 8(2): 117-130.
46) 1987 ‘Political Studies in the Eighties.’ With Hugh Berrington. Political
Studies Association, 1987.
47) 1987 ‘Four Weeks of Sounds and Fury...The 1987 British Election
Campaign.’ Parliamentary Affairs 40(4):458-467.
48) 1987 ‘The 1987 British General Election: The Hidden Agenda.’ Teaching
Politics, October: 311-324.
49) 1987 ‘Volatility in By-Elections’ Studies in Public Policy No.163 C.S.P.P,
Strathclyde University, 1987.
50) 1987 ‘Retrospective Voting in the 1984 Presidential Election: Peace,
Prosperity and Patriotism.’ Political Studies XXXV: 289-300.
51) 1987 ‘1986 US Elections: National Issues or Pluralistic Diversity.’ Political
Quarterly 58(2): 194-201.
52) ‘John Stuart Mill versus Bigotry, Bribery and Beer.’ Corruption and Reform
1(2): 79-100.
Journal Articles on Gender Politics
53) 2006. ‘The impact of electoral reform on women’s representation.’ Special
issue of Acta Politica 41: 197-213.
54) 2006. ‘Modernization and gender’ With Ron Inglehart. Politics and Gender
55) 2004. ‘A Seat at the Table: How to elect women to Iraq’s new
government.’ Compass: A Journal of Leadership. 1(2): 6-8.
56) 2003. ‘Westminster Women: The Politics of Presence.’ With Joni
Lovenduski. Political Studies 51 (1): 84-102.
57) 2001. ‘Cultural Obstacles to Equal Representation.’ With Ronald
Inglehart. Journal of Democracy. 12(3): 126-140.
58) 2000 ‘The Developmental Theory of the Gender Gap: Women and Men’s
Voting Behavior in Global Perspective.’ With Ronald Inglehart.
International Political Science Review special issue on Women and
Representation. 21(4): 441-462.
59) 1997 ‘Social Representation in the European Parliament.’ With Mark
Franklin. European Journal of Political Research 32(2): 185-210.
60) 1997 ‘Political Representation in the European Parliament.’ With Michael
Marsh. European Journal of Political Research 32(2): 153-164.
61) 1997 ‘Representation and the Democratic Deficit.’ European Journal of
Political Research 32(2): 273-282.
62) 1996 ‘Mobilizing the Women's Vote: The Gender-Generation Gap in
Voting Behaviour.’ Parliamentary Affairs 49(2): 333-342.
63) 1996 ‘Women Politicians: Transforming Westminster?’ Parliamentary
Affairs 49(1): 89-102.
64) 1994 ‘Labour and the Unions: After the Brighton Conference.’ With Joni
Lovenduski. Government and Opposition Spring 29(2) pp.201-217.
65) 1993 ‘Slow Progress for Women MPs.’ Parliamentary Brief 2 (4):67-68.
66) 1993 ‘'If only more candidates came forward…'Supply-side Explanations
of Candidate Selection in Britain.’ With Joni Lovenduski. British Journal of
Political Science. 23: 373-408.
67) 1992 ‘Do Candidates Make a Difference? Gender, Race, Ideology and
Incumbency.’ With Elizabeth Vallance and Joni Lovenduski. Parliamentary
Affairs. October: 496-517.
68) 1991 ‘Reforming the Candidate Selection Process’ With Joni Lovenduski
and Andrew Geddes. Contemporary Record 4.
69) 1991 ‘Traditional, Revised and Radical Models of Women's Political
Participation in Britain.’ Government and Opposition. 26 (1): 56-74.
70) 1990 ‘Party Selectorates in Australia, Britain and Canada: Prolegomena for
research in the 1990s.’ With Ken Carty, Lynda Erickson, Joni Lovenduski
and Marian Simms. The Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics,
XXVIII (July): 219-245.
71) 1989 ‘Women Candidates for Parliament: Transforming the Agenda?’
With Joni Lovenduski. British Journal of Political Science: 106-115.
72) 1989 ‘Pathways to Parliament’ With Joni Lovenduski. Talking Politics 1(3):
73) 1989 ‘Selecting Women Candidates: Obstacles to the Feminization of the
House of Commons.’ With Joni Lovenduski. European Journal of Political
Research. 17: 533-562.
74) 1986 ‘Conservative Attitudes in Recent British Elections: An Emerging
Gender Gap?’ Political Studies XXXIV: 18-26.
75) ‘Women in Congress: A Policy Difference?’ Politics 6 (1): 34-40.
76) ‘Reagan and the Young: A Realignment?’ Youth & Policy 12:10-13.
77) 1985 ‘Women in European Legislative Elites.’ West European Politics 8(4):
78) 1985 ‘The Gender Gap: America and Britain.’ Parliamentary Affairs 38(2):
79) 1984 ‘Women in Poverty: Britain and America.’ Social Policy. Spring.
80) ‘Democratic Consensus and the Young: A Cross National Comparison of
Britain and America.’ With Wendy Ranade. Journal of Adolescence 7:45-57;
Also Youth and Society 15(4): 429-443.
Journal Articles on Political Communications
81) 2008. ‘Getting the Message Out: A two-step model of the role of the
Internet in campaign communication flows during the 2005 British
General Election.’ Pippa Norris and John Curtice. The Journal of Information
Technology and Politics.
82) 2006. ‘If you build a political website, will they come? The Internet and
political activism in Britain.’ (with John Curtice) International Journal of
Electronic Government Research. 2(2): 1-21.
83) 2006. ‘Did the media matter? Agenda-setting, persuasion and mobilization
effects in the 2005 British general election.’ British Politics 1(2): 195-221.
84) 2005. ‘The impact of political advertising in the 2001 UK general
election.’ David Sanders and Pippa Norris. Political Research Quarterly. 58(4):
85) 2005. ‘The impact of the Internet on political activism: Evidence from
Europe.’ International Journal of Electronic Government Research. 1(1): 20-39.
86) 2003. (‘Social Capital and ICTs: Widening or reinforcing social networks?’) Eco-
Forum 22(1): 31-41.
87) 2003. ‘Zappers in de politiek? De invloed van de media op
verkiezingscampagnes.’ In Ethische Perspectieven 12(2): 86-102.
88) 2003. ‘Tuned out voters? Media Impact on Campaigns.’ In Ethical
Perspectives 9(3).
89) 2003. ‘Message or Medium? Campaign learning during the 2001 British
general election.’ Political Communication. 20(3): 233-262.
90) 2003. ‘Preaching to the Converted? Pluralism, Participation and Party
Websites.’ Party Politics. 9(1):21-45.
91) 2002. ‘The Bridging and Bonding Role of Online Communities.’ The
Harvard International Journal of Press-Politics. 7(3): 3-8.
92) 2002. ‘Social Capital and the News Media.’ The Harvard International Journal
of Press-Politics. 7(2): 3-8.
93) 2001. ‘Angyali Kör? A Politikai Kommunikáció Hatása a Postindusztriális
Demokráciákra.’ Mediakutato. 4:6-22. (In Hungarian)
94) 2001. ‘¿Un circulo virtuoso? El impacto de las comunicaciones politicas
en las democracies post-industriales.’ Revista Espanola de Ciencia Politica.
4(1): 7-33.
95) 2001. ‘All Spin and No Substance? The 2001 British General Election.’
The Harvard International Journal of Press-Politics. 6(4): 3-10
96) 2001. ‘Back to Chicken Entrails? Problems of Opinion Polls in US
Campaign 2000.’ Representation 38(2): 106-114.
97) 2001. ‘To entertain, inform and educate: Still the Role of Public Television
in the 1990s?’ With Christina Holtz-Bacha. Political Communications 18(2).
(Winner of the ICA Political Communication section award for the best
paper of 2001).
98) 2000. ‘Information Poverty and the Wired World.’ Editorial. The Harvard
International Journal of Press-Politics. 5(3): 1-6.
99) 1999. ‘The Emergent Internet Age in Europe: A New North-South
Divide?’ Editorial. The Harvard International Journal of Press-Politics. 5(1): 1-
100) 1999. ‘Cosmopolitan Citizens?’ Editorial The Harvard International
Journal of Press-Politics. 4(4): 1-7.
101) 1999 ‘Sex, Lies and Videotape.’ Editorial. The Harvard International
Journal of Press-Politics. 4(1): 1-4.
102) 1998 ‘Virtual Democracy.’ Editorial with David Jones. The
Harvard International Journal of Press-Politics. 3(2): 1-4.
103) 1998 ‘What do we Know and When do we Know it?’ Editorial.
The Harvard International Journal of Press-Politics. 3(3): 1-5.
104) 1996 ‘Did Television Erode Social Capital? A Reply to Putnam’
PS: Political Science and Politics. XXIX (3) September: 474-480.
105) 1996 ‘The Restless Searchlight: Network News Framing of the
Post Cold-War World.’ Political Communication 12(4): 357-370.
Conference Papers on Elections and Public Opinion
1. 'Christian conservatism in global perspective: US exceptionalism (again)?'
Paper for the Russell Sage Conference, New York 27-29th April 2007 and
Chapter 3 for Christian Conservatives and American Democracy Edited by
Steven Brint and Jean Reith Schroedel.
2. 2006. ‘Support for the United Nations: Cosmopolitan versus Parochial orientations.’
Keynote address, World Values Survey meeting, Istanbul 2-5th Nov 2006.
3. 2006. ‘Party development in conflict-prone societies’ Clingdael Institute, The
Hague, 25-27 Oct 2006.
4. 2006. ‘Democracy and development.’ 6th International Conference on New or
Restored Democracies, Doha, Qatar 30 Oct-1 Nov 2006.
5. 2006. ‘Democracy and religion.’ College of William and Mary, Williamsburg,
Virginia, 6-7th Oct, 2006.
6. ‘Political protest in fragile states.’ International Political Science Association
World Congress, Fukuoka, 13 July 2006.
7. ‘Sustaining Democratic Regimes: Structure, Institutions, and Culture.’ Midwest
Political Science Association annual meeting, Chicago 20-23 April 2006.
8. ‘Radical right: Voters and Parties in the Electoral Marketplace.’ Plenary lecture at
the European Consortium of Political Research annual conference,
Budapest, September 2005.
9. ‘Rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic? Evaluating the Initiatives for Voter
Mobilization and Electoral Reform Introduced by the UK Electoral Commission.’
American Political Science Association annual meeting September 2005,
Washington DC.
10. ‘Ethnic pluralism and consensus democracy revisited.’ American Political Science
Association annual meeting September 2005, Washington DC.
11. ‘Does consensus democracy generate political stability in plural societies?’ Midwest
Political Science Association, Chicago 7-10 April 2005.
12. ‘Stable democracy and good governance in divided societies: Do power-sharing
institutions work?’ International Studies Association, Honolulu 2-6th March
13. ‘Young people and civic engagement: decline or reinvention?’ Conference on Civic
Engagement at the University of Southern California, October 2004.
14. ‘Explaining the rise of the radical right.’ Elections, Parties and Public Opinion
annual conference, Nuffield College, Oxford, 10-12 September 2004.
15. ‘Sacred and secular: Religion and politics worldwide.’ Stein Rokkan Memorial
Lecture, University of Bergen 8 September 2004.
16. ‘The ‘new cleavage’ thesis and the social basis of radical right support.’ American
Political Science Association annual meeting, Chicago 2-5th September
17. ‘God, guns and gays: Religiosity in the United States and Europe.’ Pippa Norris
and Ronald Inglehart. 3rd Political Communication Section pre-APSA
Conference, ‘Fun, faith and futuramas’, University of Illinois, Chicago,
Aug 2004.
18. ‘Electoral Engineering and Social Cleavages.’ Nuffield College, Oxford, 4th
March 2004.
19. ‘Civic engagement: A response.’ UK Cabinet Office Strategy Unit presentation,
London March 3rd 2004.
20. ‘A continental divide? Social capital in the United States and Europe.’ With James
Davis. Keynote presentation at the European Social Survey Launch
Conference, Brussels 25-26 November 2003.
21. ‘Young people and political activism: From the politics of loyalties to the politics of
choice?’ Keynote at the Council of Europe Symposium on young people
and activism, 27-28 November 2003, Strasbourg. (Translated into Russian
and French).
22. ‘Electoral Engineering: Voting Rules and Political Behavior.’ Meeting of the
Comparative Study of Electoral Systems and International IDEA,
Stockholm November 2003.
23. ‘Electoral Engineering: Voting Rules and Political Behavior.’ Annual meeting of
the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, August 2003.
24. ‘Does ethnicity determine support for the governing party?’ (With Bob Mattes)
Annual meeting of the American Political Science Association,
Philadelphia, August 2003.
25. ‘Institutions Matter: Electoral Rules and Voting Choices’ Mid-West Political
Science Association annual meeting, Chicago April 2003.
26. ‘Who demonstrates? Anti State Rebels, Conventional Participants, or Everyone?’
With Stefaan Walgrave and Peter Van Aelst. Mid-West Political Science
Association annual meeting, Chicago April 2003.
27. ‘Ballot Structures and Legislative Behavior.’ Conference on Exporting
Congress? The Influence of the US Congress on World Legislatures.
Florida International University, Miami, 6-7 December 2002.
28. ‘Skeptical patients: Performance, Social Capital and Culture’ for the conference
‘The public’s health: A matter of trust.’ Harvard School of Public Health
13-15th November 2002.
29. ‘The global generation: Cohort support for European governance.’ Conference on
‘Democracy and Legitimacy of the European Union and other
International Organizations.’ Brussels, European Parliament 11-12
October 2002
30. ‘Democratic Phoenix: Political Activism Worldwide.’ American Political Science
Association Annual Meeting, Boston 28-31st August 2002.
31. ‘Muslims and the West: Testing the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ Thesis.’ With Ron
Inglehart. Harvard symposium on ‘Terrorism and the Media’ sponsored
by the Political Communication Section of the American Political Science
Association and the Shorenstein Center.
32. ‘Mexican Civic Engagement in Comparative Perspective.’ Gobernacion
Conference, Mexico City, August 14-16 2002.
33. ‘Still a Public Sector Ethos? Work values, experience and job satisfaction among
government employees.’ John F. Kennedy School of Government Visions of
Governance Conference, Endicott Hall 22-23 July 2002.
34. ‘Electoral Reform and Fragmented Multipartyism: The Mechanical and Psychological
Effects of Electoral Systems on Party Systems.’ Conference on Political Reform
in Brazil in Comparative Perspective, UCAM, Rio de Janeiro June 27-28
35. ‘Making Democracies Work: Social Capital and Civic Engagement in 47 Societies.’
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 25-28 April 2002.
36. ‘The Iceberg and the Titanic: Policy Moods, Electoral Defeat and Party Change.’
(with Joni Lovenduski) EPOP Annual Conference University of Sussex,
14-16th September 2001.
37. 2001. ‘Making democracies work: Social capital and civic engagement in 47 societies.’
ESF/EURESCO Conference on Social Capital, Exeter University 15-20
September 2001.
38. ‘Knows Little, Learns Less?’’ (with David Sanders) EPOP Annual
Conference University of Sussex, 14-16th September 2001.
39. ‘The US Campaign 2000: Civic Engagement and American Elections.’ EPOP
Annual Conference Edinburgh University, 8-10 September.
40. ‘The Twilight of Westminster: Electoral Reform and Its Consequences.’ British
Politics Group Panel on 30 Years of British Politics, American Political
Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC 31 August-3
41. ‘Electoral System Design and Ethnic Conflict in 19 New and Old Democracies’.
International Political Science Association World Congress Quebec City,
1-6 August 2000.
42. ‘Ballots not Bullets: Testing Consociational Theories of Ethnic Conflict, Electoral
Systems and Democratization.’ Conference on Constitutional Design 2000:
Institutional Design, Conflict Management and Democracy in the late
Twentieth Century. December 9-11 1999, University of Notre Dame,
43. ‘ Electoral Systems and Ethnic Conflict’ Conference on Parliament in
Democratic Governance, Knesset, Jerusalem, Israel 14-15th November
44. ‘Blaming the Messenger? Political Communications and Turnout in EU Elections.’
Conference on Citizen Participation in European Politics, organized by
the Swedish Commission on Democracy at the Bergendal Hotel,
Landsnoravägen, Sollentuna, Stockholm, Sweden, 28-29th October 1999
45. ‘Confidence in Public Institutions: Faith, Culture or Performance?’ With Kenneth
Newton. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting Atlanta 2-5 September 1999. Panel on What’s Troubling the Trilateral
46. ‘Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Parochialism: Globalization and Cultural
Change.’ John F. Kennedy School of Government Visions of Governance
Conference, Bretton Woods, July 1999.
47. ‘New Labour, New Politicians? Changes in the Political Attitudes of MPs: 1992-
97’ Annual Meeting of the Political Studies Association of the UK, Keele
University, 7-9th April 1998.
48. ‘A Critical Election? The 1997 British General Election in Long-term Perspective.’
With Geoffrey Evans. Annual Meeting of the Political Studies
Association (PSA) of the UK, Keele University7-9 April 1998.
49. ‘Elites and Constitutional Change.’ Center for Research on Electoral and
Social Trends (CREST) Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh,
November 21 1997.
50. ‘New Labour, New Tactical Voting’ American Political Science Association
Annual Meeting, Washington, DC August 1997. With John Curtice and
Geoffrey Evans.
51. ‘New Labour, New Tactical Voting?’ With John Curtice and Geoffrey
Evans. Elections, Parties and Public Opinion (EPOP) Annual
Conference, University of Essex 26-28th September 1997.
52. ‘Designing Democracies: Institutional Arrangement and System Support’ Workshop
on Confidence in Democratic Institutions, Washington, DC, August
53. ‘Representation in England, Scotland and Wales: Boundaries and Identities for
Politicians and Voters’ Political Studies Association Annual Conference,
Glasgow University, 10-12th April 1996.
54. ‘Conservatism in Disarray?’ Political Studies Association Annual Conference,
Glasgow University 10-12th April 1996.
55. 'The Puzzle of Constituency Service.' Annual Meeting of the American Political
Science Association, Chicago, 27 August - 1 September 1995.
56. 'Comparing Environmental Public Opinion: West and East Germany.' With Peter
Mohler. Workshop on the Global Omnibus Environmental Survey,
Barcelona, Spain, 1993.
57. 'Through the Eye of the Needle: Comparative Legislative Recruitment in Western
Democracies.' American Political Science Association Annual Meeting,
Washington, DC. September 1993.
58. 'Are we All Green Now?' International Society for Political Psychology
Annual Convention, Charles Hotel, Cambridge, MA. July 1993.
59. 'Select Bibliography: Enviromental Public Opinion.' Workshop on Global
Omnibus Environmental Survey (GOES), Palo Alto, Stanford, June 1993.
60. 'The Marginals Never Vanished' PSA Annual Conference, Leicester
University, April 1993. With Ivor Crewe.
61. 'The 1992 US Elections: Continuity or Change?' ECPR Joint Workshops,
Leiden University, The Netherlands, April 1993.
62. 'Has Labour Become a Catch-All Party?' Conference on the 1992 British
Election Study, Nuffield College, Oxford, April 1993.
63. 'Party Leaders, Members and Voters: The Special Law of Curvilinear Disparity
Revisited.' Elections, Parties and Public Opinion Conference, Essex,
September 1992.
64. 'Are We All Green Now? Public Opinion Towards Environmentalism in
Britain.' IPSA/APSA Symposium, Chicago, September 3-6 1992.
65. 'Conservatism and Public Opinion: Thatcher & Reagan', Public Affairs
Report, University of California, Berkeley 1991.
66. '1990 Congressional Elections: Campaign and Results.' American Politics
Group, Colloquium on the 1990 Elections, US Embassy, London,
November 1990.
67. 'The Volatile Electorate: By-elections since the War.' Institute of Contemporary
History Summer School, LSE, April 1990.
68. 'The Thatcher Governments and Public Opinion: Has there Been Ideological Change?'
Seventh International Conference of Europeanists, Washington, D.C.,
March 1990.
69. 'Reagan, Thatcher and the Conservative Revolutions.' American Politics Group
Conference, Worcester College, Oxford, January 1990.
70. 'Southern Comfort for the Republicans: Dealignment and Realignment in the 1988
Election.' Political Studies Association Annual Conference, University of
Warwick, April 1989.
71. 'Party Selectorates in Australia, Britain and Canada: Legal Context, Party
Procedures and Outcome.' With Ken Carty, Lynda Erickson, Joni Lovenduski
and Marion Simms) IPSA Work Group on Elections and Parties, Paris,
April 1989.
72. 'Changing Social Cleavages and Leftwing Support in Britain.' European
Consortium of Political Research Joint Workshops, Paris, April 1989.
73. 'The 1988 Presidential Elections: The Reagan Legacy.' American Politics Group
Annual Conference, Keele University, January 1989.
74. 'Candidate Recruitment and Government Popularity in Special and By-elections: The
United States, Canada, Britain and Australia.' With Frank Feigert. American
Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Sept 1989.
75. 'The 1988 US Campaign: Continuity or Change', American Politics Group,
United States Embassy Colloquium on the Elections, US Embassy,
London, November 1988.
76. 'Government and Third Party Performance in Mid-Term Elections: The British,
Canadian and Australian Experience.' International Political Science
Association XIVth World Congress, Washington, DC, August 1988.
77. 'Political Trust: Watergate to Irangate.' American Political Group Annual
Conference, Oxford 1988.
78. 'Marginal Polls: The Role & Record.' Conference on Political
Communication: The Media, the Parties and the Polls in the 1987
Election Campaign, Essex University, October 1987.
79. 'Volatility in the British Electorate: The Problem of Identifying Tacticals, Floaters and
Abstainers.' Political Studies Association Annual Conference, University of
Aberdeen April 1987.
80. 'Retrospective Voting in the 1984 US Election: Peace, Prosperity & Patriotism',
American Politics Group of the PSA, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford,
January 1987.
81. 'Retrospective Voting in the 1983 British General Election: Delivering Bread and
Circuses.' Political Studies Association Annual Conference, University of
Nottingham, April 1986.
82. 'John Stuart Mill versus Bigotry, Bribery and Beer', Political Studies Association
Annual Conference, University of Sheffield, April 1979.
Conference Papers on Gender Politics
83. ‘Fast-track strategies for achieving women’s representation in Iraq and Afghanistan:
Choices and consequences.’ American Political Science Association annual
Conference, Philadelphia, 31 Aug-3 Sept 2006.
84. ‘The impact of electoral reform on the representation of women and ethnic minorities.’
Conference on Electoral Reform in the Netherlands, Amsterdam,
September 2005.
85. ‘Gendering Social Capital: Bowling in Women’s Leagues.’ With Ronald Inglehart.
Keynote address for the conference on Gender and Social Capital,
University of Manitoba, May 2-3 2003.
86. ‘Blair’s Babes: Critical Mass Theory, Gender and Legislative Life.’ With Joni
Lovenduski. Paper for the Women and Public Policy Program seminar,
John F. Kennedy School of Government, 28 September 2001.
87. ‘Cultural Barriers to Women’s Leadership: A Worldwide Comparison’’ With
Ronald Inglehart. International Political Science Association World
Congress, Quebec, 1-6 August 2000.
88. ‘Breaking the Barriers: British Labour Party Quotas for Women Candidates.’
Conference on Gender Equality Strategies, Center for European Studies,
Harvard, Spring 1999.
89. ‘Gender Realignment in Global Perspective.’ With Ronald Inglehart. The
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston 3-5th
September 1998.
90. ‘Representatives: Leaders or Followers?’ and ‘A Gender-Generation Gap?’
Workshop on 'Critical Election' at Nuffield College, Oxford, 14-15th May
91. ‘The Dynamics of the News Framing Process: From Reagan's Gender Gap to
Clinton's Soccer Moms.’ With Susan Carroll. Annual Meeting of the
Southern Political Science Association, Norfolk Virginia, November 5-8
92. ‘Framing the Gender Gap’ European Consortium for Political Research
(ECPR) Joint Sessions, Bern 27 Feb-4 March 1997.
93. ‘Through a Gendered Lens: Media Framing of International Women Leaders.’
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San
Francisco, 29 August-1 September 1996.
94. ‘Women Politicians: Transforming Westminster?’ Annual Meeting of the
Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 18-20 April 1996.
95. ‘Gender in Political Science: Framing the Issues.’ Political Studies Association of
the UK, Annual Conference, Glasgow University 10-12th April 1996.
96. ‘Social Representation in the European Parliament.’ Gender and Politics
Group, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, 1996.
97. 'Legislative Recruitment.' Conference on Comparative Democratic Elections,
John F. Kennedy School, Harvard University, May 1995.
98. 'Comparative Political Recruitment: Theories, Concepts and Data.' European
Consortium of Political Research, Bordeaux, April-May 1995.
99. 'Party Recruitment and the New Institutionalism.' Conference on Party
Politics in the Year 2000, Manchester University, January 1995.
100.'Women and Politics.' Booklet for HarperCollins Political Pamphleteer New
York: Harper Collins. Pp.1-23. 1995.
101.'Women's Power Worldwide.’ Conference organized by the Center for the
Study of Women, University of California, Los Angeles, October 1994.
102.'Gender Related Influences on Voting Behaviour and Public Opinion' Conference
on Research on Women and American Politics, Center for American
Women and Politics, Rutgers University 1994.
103.'Equality Strategies and Political Representation.' European Consortium of
Political Research Joint Sessions, Madrid 1994.
104.'Comparative Recruitment.' Workshop on the Future of the Australian Party
System Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 1994.
105.'The Social Background of Legislative Elites: Does it Matter?' Annual Conference
on Elections, Parties and Public Opinion (EPOP) Lancaster University
September 1993.
106.'Women and Politics' Supplementary lecture materials for The Struggle for
Democracy by Greenberg and Page. New York: Harper Collins. 1993.
107.'If only more candidates came forward...'Supply side explanation of political
representation in Britain.' Annual Meeting of the American Political Science
Association, Chicago Sept 3-6 1992.
108.'Who Decides: Center-Local Relations in Candidate Selection in the British
Conservative and Labour Parties.' With Joni Lovenduski. International
Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, 1991.
109.'Comparing Women in Political Elites: Problems and Methods.' American
Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 1991.
110.'Candidate Selection: The Impact of Reform.' PSA Group on Elections, Parties
and Public Opinion, University of Essex, September 1991.
111.'Candidacy and Gender in British Parties.' Annual Meeting of the American
Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, September 1990.
112.'Politics and Sexual Equality.' Keynote Speaker. (Published in Korean)
Korean Institute for the Study of Women in Politics, Seoul, July 1990.
113.'The Comparative Study of Women in Legislative Elites: Problems, Methods and
Approaches', ECPR Joint Workshops, University of Bochum, Germany,
April 1990.
114.'Women and Political Participation in Britain.' UNESCO Meeting of Experts
for the Europe Region, Oslo, Norway, 1990.
115.'Gender Differences in Conventional and Unconventional Political Participation in
Britain.' ESRC Conference on Participation, University of Manchester,
January 1990.
116.'Women Parliamentary Candidates and the Selectorate: The British General Election
of 1987.' With Joni Lovenduski. American Political Science Association
Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 1989.
117.'Elite Transformation in Political Selection: Candidates in the 1987 British General
Election.' With Joni Lovenduski. Political Studies Association Annual
Conference, Plymouth, April 1988.
118.'Women Candidates for Parliament: In a Different Voice?' With Joni
Lovenduski. Women & Politics Group, PSA/BSA, Birkbeck College,
London 1988.
119.'The Impact of Parties on Sexual Equality.' European Consortium of Political
Research Joint Workshops, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 2-6 April
120.'The Impact of Parties on Sex Equality Policies.' American Political Science
Association, Washington, DC, August 1986.
121.'The Post-Feminist Generation: A Comparative Study of Ireland, Britain and
America.' With Joanne Clarey and Albie Smyth; National Women's Studies
Association, Seattle, May 1985.
122.'A Decade of Change? Developing Social Indicators on the Position of Women.'
Association of Mediterranean Women (KEGME), Athens 1985.
123.'A Gender Gap in the European Community' Women & Europe Conference,
University of Edinburgh, May 1985.
124.'Women's Equality in Employment: An International Comparison.' Second
International Congress on Women, Groningen, the Netherlands, 1984.
125.'The Gender Gap in Britain: Convergence or Divergence?' PSA Annual
Conference, University of Southampton, April 1984.
126.'The Effects of Education, Employment and the Electoral System on Women in
Political Elites: A Crossnational Comparison.' National Women's Studies
Association, Rutgers University, June 1984.
127.'The Gender Gap in the 1980 American Election.' American Political Science
Association Conference, Washington, DC, August 1984.
128.'Women in Congress: A Policy Difference?' Women and Politics Group of the
PSA, Birkbeck College, November 1984.
129.'Female Candidates in the 1979 Elections to the European Parliament.’ The
University Association for Contemporary European Studies 1984.
130.'The Gender Gap in American Political Behaviour: Issues, Images or Partisan
Realignment?' American Politics Group of the PSA, Universi