Jayampathy Wickramaratne
Job Title
Senior Advisor
Ministry of Constitutional Affairs
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
(a)‘Power-sharing Plus: The Only Way Forward’ Perspectives on National Integration in Sri Lanka (NIPU, Colombo 2006)
(b) ‘Re-envisioning Sri Lanka’ Re-envisioning Trajectories for Peace in Sri Lanka (Centre for Just Peace and Democracy, Maharagama, 2006)
(c) Evaluation of the Implementation of the Rule of Law in Lao PDR-1997-2003-Lessons and Challenges (UNDP Vientiane 2004) - (with Miomir Serbinson and Xaynari Chanthala).
(d) ‘The Executive Committee System and Multi-Party Cabinets: Power Sharing in the Regions’ The Draft Constitution of Sri Lanka, Critical Aspects (Law and Society Trust, Colombo 1998).
(e) Fundamental Rights in Sri Lanka- Updated version of Ph.D. thesis (Navrang, New Delhi, 1996). 539 pages. ISBN 81-7013-143-X
Second edition (Stamford Lake Pannipitiya 2006). 980 pages. ISBN 955-1131-06-1
(f) ’Public Law in the SAARC Region - Rays of Hope’ (1993) Bar Association Law Journal Vol. V, Part I.
(g) ‘The Role of the Westminster Model in the Constitutions of the SAARC Region’ (1992) Sri Lanka Journal of International Law Vol.4.
(h) ‘Equal Protection in Flux’ (1990) Bar Association Law Journal Vol.III, Part II.