Andrew Reynolds
Job Title
Associate Professor
University of North Carolina
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
(with Ben Reilly and Andrew Ellis) Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook (Stockholm, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2005, published in Spanish and French in 2005), 223pp.
Electoral Systems and Democratization in Southern Africa (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999), 341pp.
(with Ben Reilly) Electoral Systems and Conflict Management in Divided Societies (Washington DC, National Academy Press, 1999), 62pp.
(with Ben Reilly) The International IDEA Handbook of Electoral System Design (Stockholm, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, First published 1997, second edition 1997, published in Serbo-Croat 1999, Spanish, French and Arabic in 2000, Albanian in 2001, Burmese in 2002, Nepali in 2005), 168pp.
Voting for a New South Africa (Cape Town, Maskew Miller Longman, 1993), 130pp.
Edited Books
The Architecture of Democracy: Constitutional Design, Conflict Management, and Democracy (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002), 507pp.
Election ’99: South Africa – From Mandela to Mbeki (New York, St. Martin’s Press; Cape Town, David Philip; London, James Currey, 1999), 256pp.
(with Timothy Sisk) Elections and Conflict Management in Africa (Washington DC, US Institute of Peace Press, 1998), 192pp.
Election ‘94: South Africa - An Analysis of the Results, Campaigns and Future Prospects (New York, St. Martin’s Press; Cape Town, David Philip; London, James Currey, 1994, second edition 1994), 237pp.
“The Role of Political Parties in the Governance of New Democracies,” (with John Carey) Party Politics Vol.13, No.2 (March 2007).
“Constitutional Design: Promoting Multi Ethnic Democracy,” Harvard International Review. (Winter 2007), pp.42-47.
“How the World Votes: The Political Consequences of Ballot Design, Innovation and Manipulation,” (with Marco Steenbergen) Electoral Studies, Vol.25, No.3 (September 2006), 570-598.
“The Curious Case of Afghanistan,” Journal of Democracy, Vol.17, No.2 (April 2006), pp.104-117.
“Reserved Seats in National Legislatures,” Legislative Studies Quarterly. Vol XXV, No.3. (May 2005)
“A framework for the systematic study of election quality,” (with Jørgen Elklit) Democratization. Vol.12 No.2 (March 2005)
“Judging Elections and Election Quality Management Process,” (with Jørgen Elklit) Representation, Vol.41, No.3 (Autumn 2005), pp.189-207) and in Revisiting Free and Fair Elections. ed. Michael Boda. (Geneva, Inter Parliamentary Union, 2005). Translated into French in 2006.
“First Do No Harm: Seeing Constitutional Design through the Eyes of Medicine” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 16, No. 1 (January 2005), pp.54-68.
“The Impact of Election Administration on the Legitimacy of Emerging Democracies,” (with Jørgen Elklit) Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, Vol.40, No.2 (July 2002), pp.86-119.
“How Burma Could Democratize,” (with Alfred Stepan, Zaw Oo and Stephen Levine) Journal of Democracy, Vol. 12, No. 3 (October 2001), pp.95-108.
“Analyzing the Impact of Election Administration on Democratic Politics,” (with Jørgen Elklit) Representation, Vol.38, No.2 (Spring 2001), pp. 3-10.
“The Northern Irish Good Friday Agreement: A Pied Piper to a United Ireland?” Political Science Quarterly, Vol.114, No.4 (January 2000), pp.613-638.
“Women in the Legislatures and Executives of the World: Knocking at the Highest Glass Ceiling,” World Politics, Vol.51, No.4 (July 1999), pp.547-572.
“Debate: PR in Southern Africa -- The Case for Proportionality,” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 6,
No. 4 (October 1995), pp.117-124, and (updated) in Elections and Conflict Management in Africa (Washington DC, US Institute of Peace Press, 1998).
“Power-Sharing Democracy in the New South Africa” (with Thomas Koelble), Politics and Society, Vol.24, No.3 (September 1996), pp.221-236.
“Modeling the Drop-off Between Minority Population Share and the Size of the Minority Electorate in Situations of Differential Voter Eligibility Across Groups” (with Bernard Grofman), Electoral Studies, Vol.15, No.2 (May 1996), pp.255-261.
“Constitutional Engineering in Southern Africa,” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 6, No. 2 (April 1995), pp. 86-99.
“The Consequences of South Africa’s PR Electoral System,” Representation, Vol. 32, No. 119 (Autumn 1994), pp. 57-60.
Chapters in Edited Books
“Reserved Seats in National Legislatures: A Comparative Approach,” in Redistricting in Comparative Perspective, eds. Bernard Grofman and Lisa Handley (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008).
“The State of Play: Minority MPs in National Legislatures,” in State of the World’s Minorities: Events of 2005-6 (London, Minority Rights Group International, 2007).
“Constitutional Engineering and Democratic Stability: The debate surrounding political institutions in Afghanistan,” in Building State and Security in Afghanistan (Princeton NJ, Woodrow Wilson School of International Affairs, 2007).
“Constitutional Engineering in Southern Africa,” “Rejonder: The Case for Proportionality,” and “The Curious Case of Afghanistan,” in Electoral Systems and Democracy, eds. Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 2006).
“South Africa: Succeeding with Proportional Representation,” in Electoral System Choice, ed. Josep Colomer (New York, Palgrave, 2004).
“Designing Electoral Systems,” in Crafting Indonesian Democracy, ed. R. William Liddle (Jakarta, Mizan, 2001).
“Electoral Systems and Conflict Management in Divided Societies,” (with Ben Reilly) in International Conflict Resolution After the Cold War (Washington D.C., National Academy Press, 2000).
“Electoral Systems and the art of Constitutional Engineering: An Inventory of the Main Findings,” (with Bernard Grofman) in Rules and Reason: Perspectives on Constitutional Political Economy, eds. Ram Mudambi, Pietro Navarra and Giuseppe Sobbrio (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2000).
“Majoritarian or Power-Sharing Government,” in Democracy and Institutions: The Life Work of Arend Lijphart, eds. Markus Crepaz and Thomas Koelble (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2000), pp.155-196.
“The Results,” in Election ‘99: South Africa (Cape Town, David Philip; London, James Currey; New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1999), pp.173-198.
“Sierra Leone,” in Elections in Africa, eds. Dieter Nohlen, Michael Krennerich, and Bernhard Thibaut (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999), pp.789-802.
“Electoral System Reform in the United Kingdom,” Inroads: A Journal of Opinion, No.7, (May 1998), pp.109-114 and in Making Every Vote Count: Reassessing Canada’s Electoral System, ed. Henry Milner (Toronto, Broadview Press, 1999).
“Elections, Electoral Systems, and Conflict Management” (with Timothy Sisk), in Elections and Conflict Management in Africa (Washington DC, US Institute of Peace Press, 1998).
“Electoral Systems for Divided Societies” (with Ben Reilly), in Democracy and Deep Rooted Conflict: Options for Negotiators (Stockholm, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 1998), pp.191-204.
“Voter Turnout: Is Democracy in the Numbers?” in Report of the 1997 International IDEA Democracy Forum (Stockholm, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 1998), pp.74-79.
“The Case for Democratic Hope in Africa,” in Designing Electoral Systems for Emerging Democracies, ed. Jørgen Elklit, (Copenhagen, DANIDA, 1997).
“The Results,” in Election ‘94: South Africa (Cape Town, David Philip; London, James Currey; New York, St. Martin's Press, 1994), pp. 182-220.
Major Encyclopedia Contributions
“Designing Electoral Systems,” in The International Encyclopedia of Elections, ed. Richard Rose (Washington DC, Congressional Quarterly Press, 2000), pp.58-66.
Book Reviews
“David Butler and Denis Kavanagh (eds). The British General Election of 1997,” The Review of Politics, Vol. 60, No. 4 (Fall 1998), pp.17-20.
“Colin Baker. Seeds of Trouble: Government Policy and Land Rights in Nyasaland, 1946-1964,” African Studies Review, Vol. 38, No. 3 (December 1995), pp.114-116.
Other Publications
Electoral Systems and the Protection and Participation of Minorities (London, Minority Rights Group International, 2006).
A Guide to Parliamentary Elections in Afghanistan (with Lucy Jones and Andrew Wilder). (Kabul, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, 2005).
Free, Fair or Flawed: Challenges for Legitimate Elections in Afghanistan (with Andrew Wilder) (Kabul, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, 2004).
Voter Turnout in Democratic Elections: A Worldwide Comparison (Stockholm, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 1997).
Electoral Systems - An Introductory Guide (London, Charter 88 Trust, 1992).
Opinion Editorials
Washington Post (7-6-04 and 9-25-04)
Christian Science Monitor (4-17-93, 6-10-93, 9-14-94, and 10-19-00)
Chicago Tribune (3-23-94)
San Diego Union Tribune (10-26-93).
Durham Herald Sun Tribune (Columnist May-September 2005)
Forthcoming Publications
“Democratic Electoral Practice,” in Complex Power Sharing (Carnegie Commission on Peace and Conflict, forthcoming).
Research and Writing in Progress
Book Project
Applying the lessons of medicine to the art of constitutional design:
Treating the ailing society as if it were an ailing patient.