Carlos Closa Montero
Job Title
Deputy Director
Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
Books (in English):
Closa, C. and Heywood, P. (2004) Spain and the EU (London: Palgrave) 274 páginas ISBN 0-333-75338-0 Hardback ISBN 0-333-75339-9 Paperback
Baquero, J. and Closa, C. (eds.) (2008) Past, present, future: 50 years of the European Union (Peter Lang)
Closa, C. Ratifying EU treaties (Forthcoming, Routledge)
Books (in Spanish):
Closa, C. (1997) Sistema político de la Unión Europea (Madrid: Editorial Complutense) 205 páginas
Closa, C. (ed.) (2001) La europeización del sistema político español (Madrid: Istmo) 565 páginas ISBN 84-7090-420-5
Closa, C. and Fernández, N. (eds.) La constitución de la UE (Madrid: CEC)
Articles (in English):
Closa, C. (1991) The Gulf crisis: A case study of national constraints on Community action Journal of European Integration 15:1 pages 47-67.
Closa, C. (1992) The concept of Union citizenship in the Treaty on European Union Common Market Law Review 29:6 pages 1137-1169 (A). Translated into German in Kleger, Heinz (1996) (Hg.) Transnationale Staatsbürgerschaft “Das Konzept der Staatsbürgerschaft in den Verträgen der EuropäischenUnion” páginas 191-208.
Closa, C. (1995) Citizenship of the Union and nationality of Member States Common Market Law Journal 32:487-518
Closa, C. (1996) Spain: The Cortes and the EU -A growing together, Journal of Legislative Studies
Closa, C. (1998) ‘International limits to national claims in EU constitutional negotiations: The Spanish government and the asylum right for EU citizens’ International Negotiations 3:3
pages 389-411
Closa, C. (2001) ‘Between EU constitution and individuals´ self: European citizenship’ Law and Philosophy 20 pages 345-371
Closa, C. (2004) The Spanish intellectual debate on the future of the EU: Who was mobilised and with what effects? South European Politics Vol. 19 no. 1 pages 82-96
Closa, C. (2004) The value of the institutions. Mandate and self-mandate in the Convention process Politique européenne, n°13
Closa, C (2004) The formation of domestic preferences on the reform of the Treaties in Spain Comparative European Politics 2004, 2, (320–338)
Closa, C. (2005) Deliberative constitutional politics and the turn towards a norms-based legitimacy of the EU constitution European Law Journal 11:1 145-164
Closa, C. (2005) Constitution and democracy in the draft treaty establishing a constitution for Europe European Public Law 11:4 pages 411-431
Closa, C. (2007) Why convening referendums? Journal of European Public Policy 14:8 December pages 1-22
Book Chapters (in English):
Closa, C. (1994) Citizenship of the Union and nationality of the Member States; en O’Keefe, D and Twomey, P. (eds.) Legal issues of the Maastricht Treaty (Londres: Chancillery, 1993) páginas. 109-119
Closa, C. (1995) ‘National interest and convergence of preferences: a changing role for Spain in the EU?’ in Mazey, S. y Rhodes, C. (eds.) The state of the European Union Vol. III (Boulder, Co.: Lynne Rienner, 1995) pages 293-316
Closa, C. (1998) Can EU citizenship become the institutional foundation for a new social contract?, in Meny, Ives and Rhodes, Martin (eds.) A new social contract? Charting the future of European welfare (Londres: Macmillan) (CL) pages 266-283
Closa, C. (1998) EU citizenship and supranational democracy, in Weale, Albert y Nenwitch, M. (eds.) Political theory and the European Union (Londres: Routledge); version in (1998) in LaTorre, M. (ed) European citizenship: an institutional challenge (The Hague: Kluwer)
Closa, C. (1998) Some foundations on the normative discussion on supranational citizenship and democracy, in Preuss, U.K. and Requejo, F. (eds.) European citizenship, multiculturalism and the state (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag) páginas 29-50 ISBN 3-7879-5721-5
Closa, C. (2001) ‘National plurality within single statehood in the European Union’, in Requejo, F. (ed.) Democracy and national pluralism (London: Routledge) pages 105-127
Closa, C. (2001), ‘Requirements of a European public sphere: civil society, self and
citizenship institutionalisation’, in Eder, K. and Giesen, B. (eds.) European Citizenship - National Legacies and Transnational Projects (Oxford: OUP) pages 180-201
Closa, C. (2002) The evolving relationship between EU citizenship and nationality…e pur si muove!, in Hansen, R. and Weil, P. (eds.) Dual nationality, social rights and federal citizenship in the U.S. and Europe The reinvention of citizenship (Bergham Press) pages. ISBN 1-57181-804-9
Closa, C. (2003) The finality debate in Spain: explaining absences, revealing presences, in Serfaty, S. (ed.) The finality debate and its transatlantic dimension (Washington: CSIS) pages 180-210 ISBN 0-89206-427-7
Closa, C. (2004) The Convention method and the transformation of EU constitutional politics, in Erikssen, E. O., Fossum, J.E. and Menéndez, A. (eds.) Developing a European constitution (London: Routledge) pages. 183-206. ISBN 0-415-32194-8
Closa, C. (2004) Spanish citizenship: democracy building and plural nationhood in the European context, in Bellamy, R.; Castiglione, D. and Santoro, E. (eds.) Lineages of European citizenship. National and historical perspectives (London: Palgrave) pages
Closa, C. (2007) Constitutional prospects of European citizenship and new forms of democracy, in De Witte, B. and Hervé Bribosia (eds.) La constitution européenne : Rétrospective et perspectives (Bruxelles: Bruylant)
Closa, C. (2007) The EU Economic governance: the Stability and Growth Pact, en Heinz Schaffer & Julia Iliopoulos-Strangas (eds.) State modernization in Europe Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers / Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag / Bruylant SEPI ISBN: 978-960-15-1846-6
Closa, C. (2008) From Constitution to Treaty: democratic paradoxes and clandestine constitutional politics in the EU, in Baquero, J. and Closa, C. (eds.) 50 years of the EU (London: Peter Lang)
Articles and book chapters in Spanish:
Closa, C. (1994) ... E'pur si muove: La teoría de la integración europea antes y después de Maastricht Revista de Estudios Políticos 85:3 pags. 339-364
Closa, C. (1995) La ampliación de la Unión Europea Revista de Estudios Politicos 90 pags. 147-171
Closa, C (1996) ‘El nuevo papel de España en la Unión Europea’ Política y Sociedad páginas 111-124
Closa, C. (1999) La naturaleza constitucional de la Unión Europea, en Llamazares, I. y Reinares, F. (eds.) Aspectos políticos y sociales de la integración europea (Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch) páginas 47-68 ISBN: 84-8002-749-5
Closa, C. (1999) La ciudadanía europea: el estatuto de un sujeto político inacabado, en Llamazares, I. y Reinares, F. (eds.) Aspectos políticos y sociales de la integración europea (Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch) páginas 69-92 ISBN: 84-8002-749-5
Closa, C. (1999) ‘La europeización del sistema político español’, en Paniagua, J.L. y Monedero, J.C. (comps.) Problemas pendientes del sistema político español (Madrid: Tecnos) pags. 473-501 ISBN 84-309-3357-3
Closa, C. (2000) ‘La política pesquera común’, in Morata, F. (ed.) Políticas públicas en la Unión Europea (Barcelona: Ariel) pages 121-142
Closa, C. y Fernández Albertos, J. (2000) ‘El sistema político de la Unión Europea’, en Alcántara, M. (ed.) Sistemas políticos de la Unión Europea (Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch) pags. 527-559
Closa, C. (2000) Los resultados electorales en la Unión Europea, en Martínez, A. y Méndez, M. (eds.) Las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo, 1999 (Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch) páginas 291-322 (CL) ISBN 84-8442-043-4
Closa, C. (2003) ‘La gobernanza en la Unión Europea’ Revista de Estudios Políticos num. 119 Enero-Marzo pages 485-503
Online papers:
Closa, C. (2001) Las raíces domésticas de la política europea de España y la Presidencia de 2002 Foundation Notre Europe Etudes et Recherches no. 16 52 pags.
Closa, C. (2002) La tercera presidencia española de la UE desde una perspectiva comparativa Real Instituto Elcano Documentos de Trabajo/Working Papers (2/12/2002)
Closa, C. (2003) Improving EU Constitutional Politics? A Preliminary Assessment of the Convention ConWeb Papers University of Manchester and Federal Trust
Closa, C. (2004) Lecciones del pacto de estabilidad (ARI) ARI Nº 22/2004 (20/2/2004) acceso: 15 Marzo 2004
Closa, C. (2004) El fracaso del Consejo Europeo de Bruselas y el futuro de la constitución (ARI) ARI Nº 14/2004 ( 28/1/2004) acceso: 15 Marzo 2004
Closa, C. (2004) Del 11-S al 11-M: El papel de España en la Unión Europea (ARI) ARI Nº 46/2004 (23/3/2004) acceso 25 Marzo 2004
Closa, C. (2004) La ratificación de la Constitución de la UE: un campo de minas (ARI) ARI Nº 120/2004 ( 7/7/2004 ) (acceso 26 Julio 2004)