Alexander Thier
Job Title
Senior Rule of Law Advisor
United States Institute of Peace
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
Books and Book Chapters
“The Making of a Constitution in Afghanistan,” in Putzel and Schetter, eds., State Building and Afghanistan (Palgrave, forthcoming).
“Afghanistan” in Durch, ed., 21st Century Peace Operations, (USIP, 2006).
“The Politics of Peacebuilding,” in Donini et al, eds., Nation-Building Unraveled: Aid, Peace, and Justice in Afghanistan (Kumarian, 2003).
“The Road Ahead: Political and Institutional Reconstruction in Afghanistan,” in Barakat, ed., Reconstructing War-Torn Societies: Afghanistan, Third World Quarterly Series (Palgrave, 2004).
Articles and Reports
Great Debates, Hoover Digest, January 2005, Vol. 1.
Reestablishing the Judicial System in Afghanistan, LISD Princeton Working Paper, July 2004.
The Afghan Transitional Administration: Prospects and Perils, International Crisis Group, 2002.
The Loya Jirga: One Small Step Forward? International Crisis Group, 2002.
Planning Considerations for International Involvement in Post-Taliban Afghanistan. with Jarat Chopra and Jim McCallum, Brown Journal of World Affairs, Winter 2002.
Afghanistan: Minority Rights and Autonomy in a Multi-Ethnic Failed State. Stanford J Int’l Law, Vol. 35: 2 1999.
Between Iraq and a Hard Place: The Paradoxes of U.S. Iraq Policy Fletcher Forum, Fall 1999.
Humanitarian Action: A Shot in the Arm for Political Progress?. Crosslines, August 1996.
Path to Peace, Justice in Afghanistan. CSM, March 13, 2007.
Order in the Courts. New York Times, August 28, 2006.
The Crescent and the Gavel. New York Times, March 26, 2006.
Halftime in Afghanistan., September 19, 2005.
If the Afghans Can…, Los Angeles Times, August 14, 2005.
Rush to Failure in Iraq. New York Times, July 14, 2005.
Fallout from the War on Terror. Yale Global Online, June 16, 2005.
Writing Iraq’s Constitution A Chance to Change History San Fran Chron, Feb. 25, 2005.
What Elections Mean for Afghanistan. The New Republic, October 18, 2004.
A Chance of Success Slips Away? New York Times, September 23, 2004.
Attacking Democracy from the Bench. New York Times, January 26, 2004.
Will Ballots or Bullets Rule? Los Angeles Times, June 9, 2002.
Rebuild the Government and Let Afghans Rebuild the Country. Prov. Journal, Jan. 22, 2002.
The Intelligence Gathering Challenge. San Jose Mercury News, Oct. 21, 2001.