Nicolette Merle Naylor
Job Title
Human Rights Program Officer: Southern Africa
Ford Foundation: Office for Southern Africa
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
1. Author of Chapter in book edited by M Alur and V Timmons entitled “Crossing Boundaries and Sharing Ideas on Inclusive Education.” Chapter focuses on the right to education and sexual violence against the girl child. Sage Publication 2009.
2. Author of Chapter in book edited by L Artz and D Smythe entitled “Should we consent? Rape Law Reform in South Africa” Juta & Co. Ltd. 2008
3. Journal article “Cry the beloved continent. Exploring the impact of HIV/AIDS and violence on women’s reproductive and sexual rights in Southern Africa. Journal for Juridical Science 2005 (30) 3.
4. Author of Chapter in book edited by Rebecca Cook and Charles Ngwena entitled “Health and Human Rights” Ashgate Publishing, 2007. Chapter re-published from 2005 publication entitled “Cry the beloved continent…”
5. “Removing the prescription blindfold in cases of childhood sexual abuse” in Advancing Women’s Rights, eds. O’Sullivan & Murray, 2005, Juta & Co. Ltd at page 227.
6. Published chapter on domestic violence in South Africa in Children and the Law Manual (2nd ed.) 2005, published under auspices of Lawyers for Human Rights.
7. “A women’s issue? Sexism in the media. Reflecting on ten years of freedom for women in the South African media.” Rhodes Journalism Review, Vol. 24, 2004 at 56.
8. Author of book entitled: “Sexual Violence in Schools: The Rights of Learners and Educators.” The book sets out learners and educators’ rights in terms of sexual harassment and sexual violence. August 2005, Education Rights Project, University of Witwatersrand.