Bertil Emrah Oder
Job Title
Asoociate Professor of Constitutional Law
Koc University
School of Law
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
1. Thesis
Oder, B.E., “The Direct Effect of Community Law as Interpreted and Applied by the European Court of Justice” (ENGLISH), Istanbul, 1991, 175 pp.
Oder, B.E., “Der spezifische Gegenstand des geistigen Eigentums im Europaeischen Gemeinschaftsrecht” (“The Specific Subject Matter of Intellectual Property in European Community Law”) (GERMAN), Cologne, 2000, 307 pp.
2. Books (in chronological order)
Monographs and textbooks cited below are independent studies that are not derived from master and doctorate thesis.
a. Monographs
-Oder, Bertil Emrah, Constitution and Constitutionalism in the European Union (Istanbul: Anahtar Publishing, May 2004) (TURKISH), 544 pp.
-Oder, Bertil Emrah,, Judicial Interpretation and Gap-Filling in Constitutional Law (Istanbul: Beta Publishing, October 2010 forthcoming) (TURKISH), 300 pp.
b. Textbooks
-Oder, Bertil Emrah & Kanadoğlu, Korkut, Cases & Materials on Constitutional Law for Active Learning (Istanbul: Beta Publishing, 2001) (TURKISH), 120 pp.
-Oder, Bertil Emrah & Kanadoğlu, Korkut, Constitutional Law in Practice (Istanbul: Beta Publishing, October 2008) (TURKISH), 370 pp.
c. Editorials
-Tekinalp & Tekinalp (Atamer / Oder/ Oder/Okutan), European Union Law, (Istanbul: Beta Publishing, 1996 (first edition) and 2000 (second revised edition), 892 pp.
-Ayata, Gökçe & Eryılmaz, Sevinç & Oder, Bertil Emrah, Women’s Human Rights (Istanbul: Lund University and Istanbul Bilgi University, June 2010) ((TURKISH), 500 pp.
-Durudoğan, Hülya & Gökşen, Fatoş & Oder, Bertil Emrah. & Yükseker, Deniz, Gender Studies in Turkey (Istanbul: Koç University Publications, September 2010, forthcoming) (TURKISH), 382 pp.
3. Articles and Book Chapters (in chronological order)
-Oder, B.E., The Direct Effect of Directives in European Community Law (Turkish), Review for Faculty of Political Science - University of Istanbul, 1993, Volume 3-4-5, pp. 233-240.
-Oder, B.E., Foreigner in the European Community: An Overview of Policies on Immigration and Asylum vis-à-vis Xenophobia (Turkish), Yearbook of Human Rights (1993), pp. 109-128.
-Oder, B.E, Direct Effect of International Agreements concluded by the European Community (English), Essays in Honor of Prof. Edip Celik (Istanbul: Alan Publishing, 1995), pp. 206-222.
- Oder, B.E., New Rules and Questions on Free Movement (Turkish), Academy, Bulletin of Anadolu University, Nr. 2, March-April 1995, pp. 25-27.
- Oder, B.E., The Directive: an “effective” instrument of law making in European Community Law (German), Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul, XXXI/Nr. 47, May 1997, pp. 137-160.
- Oder, B.E., Basic doctrines of European Community Law (Turkish), in European Union Law, Tekinalp/Tekinalp (Eds.) (Istanbul: Beta Publishing, 1997), pp. 99-141 / see also in 2nd revised edition, 2000, pp. 114-190.
- Oder, B.E., Protection of fundamental rights in the EU (Turkish), in European Union Law, Tekinalp/Tekinalp (Eds.) (Istanbul: Beta Publishing, 1997), pp. 595-622 / see also in 2nd revised edition, 2000, pp. 737-780.
-Oder, B.E., Social Security in the EU (Turkish), in European Union Law, Tekinalp/Tekinalp (Eds.) (Istanbul: Beta Publishing, 1997), pp. 283-288 / see also in 2nd revised edition, 2000, pp. 334-339.
-Oder, B.E., Specific Subject Matter (Turkish), in European Union Law, Tekinalp/Tekinalp (Eds.) (Istanbul: Beta Publishing, 1997), pp. 560-575 / see also in 2nd revised edition, 2000, pp. 693-717.
-Oder, B.E., A Case Study on the Protection of Women's Human Dignity: Public Financing of the Women's Human Rights Center at Istanbul Bar Association (Turkish), Essays in Honor of Prof. Dr. Aysel Celikel, Bulletin for International Law and International Private Law, Nr. 1-2 / 1999-2000, Istanbul, pp. 577-602.
-Oder, B.E., Fundamental Rights Dimension of European Integration (Turkish), in Human Rights (Istanbul: Yapi Kredi Publishing, 2000), pp. 478-500.
-Oder, B.E., Sovereignty (Turkish), in Harmonization of Turkish Law with European Community Law, Coordinated Project supported by the Research Fund, University of Istanbul, Project Director: Prof. Dr. Unal Tekinalp, (Istanbul: University of Istanbul, 2001), pp. 1-38.
-Oder, B.E., From “Sukran Aydin” to “Daphne”: Prevention of Violence against Women in Europe (Turkish), in Comparative Legal Approaches towards Sexual Violence against Women, (Istanbul: Istanbul Bar Association, Center for Implementation of Women’s Rights, 2002), pp. 143-163.
-Oder, B.E., Enhancing the Human Face of Constitutional Reality in Turkey through Accession Partnership with the EU (English), in Turkey: the Road Ahead?, Bertil Dunér (Ed.), (Stockholm: Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 2002), pp. 72-104: also available under (please click “Documents Online”).
-Oder, B.E., Relations between Legislative and Executive Branches in Case of Military Participation: American and Turkish Constitutional Law (Turkish), Essays in Honor of Prof. Dr. Unal Tekinalp, Law in Information Society (Istanbul: Beta Publishing, 2003), Volume III, 2003, pp. 423-455.
-Oder, B.E., EU Constitution: Constitution-Making Process and Basic Principles (Turkish), Open Page, Nr. 47, September 2003, pp. 6-11.
-Oder, B.E., Legal Framework of Gender Equality in the EU (Turkish), Current Law, Nr. 1, January 2004, pp. 34-36.
-Oder, B.E., Remarks on constitutional implications of prospective accession of Turkey to the EU (German), EU-Vision der Türkei und ihre Widerspiegelung auf deutsch-türkischen Beziehungen (Istanbul: Humboldt-Kolleg, 2004), Yildiz Technical University, p. 83.
-Oder, B.E., European Court of Justice (Turkish), Current Law, Nr. 3, March 2004, pp. 30-32.
-Oder, B.E., The “Open End” of Negotiations (Turkish), Current Law, Nr. 14, February 2005, pp. 10-11.
-Oder, B.E., Issues of Democracy in EU and Turkey (Turkish), Current Law, October 2005, pp. 16-18.
-Oder, B.E., Debate on Presidential and Semi-Presidential Government in Turkey: Proposals and Reactions in Media (1991-2005) (Turkish), in Presidential System (Ankara: Turkish Bar Association, 2005), Nr. 77, Teoman Ergul (Ed.), pp. 31-70.
-Oder, B.E., Regional Policy in the EU and Citizenship, in Majority and Minority Politics in Turkey: Citizenship Issues in EU Process (Istanbul: TESEV, 2005), Ayhan Kaya & Turgut Tarhanlı (Eds.), pp. 199-214.
-Oder, B.E., Structural Problems of Polycentric Constitutionalism in the EU: Comparative Lessons for Turkey from the Conflict of Competences and Subsidiarity (Turkish), in Constitutional Judiciary 22, 2005, pp. 168-215.
-Oder, B.E., Constitutional Issues in 2005 (Turkish), Current Law, January 2006, Nr. 25, pp. 14-16.
-Oder, B.E., Übertragung von Hoheitsrechten im Spannungsverhältnis zur nationalen Souveränität – Verfassungsrechtliche Vorgaben und verfassungspolitischer Änderungsbedarf (German), in Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatsrechtslehre III (Münster / Hamburg / Berlin / Wien / London: LIT Verlag, 2006), Otto Depenheuer (Ed.), pp. 75-100.
-Oder, B.E., Foreign Affairs of Secular State and the Constitutional Court (Turkish), in Essays in Honor of Prof. Dr. Bülent Tanör, (Istanbul: Oglak Yayinlari, 2006), Mehmet O. Alkan (Ed.), pp. 195-214.
-Oder, B.E., Constitutional Transformation and Resistance in Turkey’s European Union Accession Process (English), in Enlargement towards South-East Europe ( Istanbul: Foundation for Middle East and Balkan Studies, 2007), Erozden, O. (Ed.), pp. 89-101.
-Oder, B.E, .Constitutional Problems as regards Membership in the EP: Jean-Marie Le Pen v. EP (Turkish), Essays in Honor of Prof. Dr. Erdoğan Tezic (Istanbul: Galatasaray University Publications, 2007), pp. 213-222.
-Oder, B.E, Gender Democracy: Activating Women’s Participation in Politics (Turkish), Current Law, June 2007, pp. 10-14.
-Oder, B.E, Impaired Honor of the Constitution (Turkish), Current Law, October 2007, pp. 16-20.
-Oder, B.E, Legislation in the Draft Constitution (Turkish), What Kind of a Constitution?, Galatasaray University / Alumni Associations, 2007, Istanbul, pp. 12-22.
-Oder, B.E, Constitutional Problems in Turkey-EU Relations: Customs Union, Human Rights and Institutional Capacity (Turkish), Full Membership in the EU?, Deren-Yıldırım, N. (Ed.), (Istanbul: Oniki Levha, 2008), pp. 89-115.
-Oder, B.E, Discrimination, Gender and Imaginations of Man and Woman in Constitutional Jurisprudence (Turkish), in International Law Convention, (Ankara: Ankara Bar Association, 2008), pp. 168-179.
-Oder, B.E, Constitutional Interpretation of International Human Rights Law by Constitutional Court between years of 1983-2007 (Turkish), Festschrift für Ali Ülkü Azrak zum 75. Geburtstag, Ali Ulkü Azrak, Sayhan, S. / Karlıklı, Y. (Ed.), (Istanbul: 2008, Private Edition) pp. 387-416.
-Oder, B.E, Constitutional Protection of Welfare Rights and Judicial Approaches (Turkish), Galatasaray University Law Review, Special Edition: Human Rights in Turkey and 60th Anniversary of IDHR, 2008 pp. 199-232.
-Oder, B.E, Militant Democracy in Turkey (English), in Militant Democracy in Modern Democracies, Thiel, Markus (Ed.), (Ashgate Publishing, 2009), pp. 263-310.
-Oder, B.E, Protection of Women’s Human Rights in International Law (Turkish), in Women’s Human Rights, Ayata, G. & Eryılmaz, S. & Oder, B. E. (Eds.) (Istanbul: Lund University and Istanbul Bilgi University, June 2010) pp. 20-40.
-Oder, B.E, Judicialization of Politics and Constitutional Court (Turkish), in Turkey between Historical Heritage and Actual Expectations, (Ankara: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2009), pp. 191-208.
-Oder, B.E, Women Issues in the Constitution: Norm, Jurisprudence and Legal Policy (Turkish), in Gender Studies in Turkey, Duruduğan, H. & Gökşen, F. & Oder, B.E. & Yükseker, D. (Eds.) (Istanbul: Koc University Publications, Center for Gender and Women Studies, 2010), pp. 207-238.
-Oder, B.E, Democratic Process, Society and Individual in Constitutional Amendments (Turkish), Current Law, May 2010, pp. 10-14.
-Oder, B.E, Judicialization of Fundamental Rights and Theoretical Questions: Turkey as a Case-Study (Turkish), Internationale Vereinigung für Recht- und Sozialphilosophie, Rethinking the Philosophy of Law; Legal Theories, Constitutions and Human Rights, Kucuradi, Ioanna (Ed.), Maltepe University Human Rights Center, 2010 (forthcoming), 20 pp.
-Oder, B.E, 2010 Constitutional Amendments and European Values (Turkish), Foundation of Economic Development (IKV), 2010 (forthcoming), 5 pp.
-Oder, B.E, Europeanization of Internationalization of Legal Education (both English and Turkish), Frontier, October 2010 (forthcoming), 4 pp.
4. Projects
-Contributor, in Harmonization of Turkish Law with European Community Law, Coordinated Project supported by the Research Fund, University of Istanbul, Project Director: Prof. Dr. Unal Tekinalp, 2000-2001.
-National Expert, Elimination of Sex Discrimination in EU Process / Case Studies (together with Dr. Miriam Estrada-Castillo, United Nations), Istanbul Bilgi University / Raoul Wallenberg Institute-Lund University / Swedish Agency for Development and Cooperation, 2006-2009.
-Author, Country Report on Militant Democracy in Turkey, Editor: Dr. Dr. Markus Thiel, Heinrich Heine Universitaet, Dusseldorf (international colloborative project which is published by Ashgate Publishing in 2009).
-Discussant, Turkish Constitution, Women’s Human Rights and Headscarf, VEIL Project supported by 6th EU Framework Program, (“Values, Equalities and Differences in Liberal Democracies”), METU, October 2008, Ankara.
5. Editing
-Editing for the translation Einführung in das türkische Verfassungsrecht (“Introduction to Turkish Constitutional Law”) -“Turk Anayasa Hukukuna Giris” (Ankara: Sponsored by Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, 1995). The author is Dr. Christian Rumpf. The translator is Dr. iur. Burak Oder.
-Editing for the translation of Pro Patria Mori (Ernst Kantorowicz), in State Theory (Ankara: Dost Publishing, 2000), Cemal Bali Akal (Ed.), pp. 109-128. The translator is Erol Oz.
6. Translations (German-Turkish)
-Oder, B.E., Staat als ein konkreter, an eine geschichtliche Epoche gebundener Begriff (Carl Schmitt), in State Theory (Ankara: Dost Publishing, 2000), Cemal Bali Akal (Ed.), pp. 245-256.
-Oder, B.E., in Arbeitsmethoden des Verfassungsrechts (Friedrich Müller), Saglam, F. (Ed.) (Istanbul: Maltepe University, 2009) pp. 6-21.